Chapter 20

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That night , Damon and I ran to the field , behind the Cullens . Edward had Bella on his back . We got there a little early and Damon put a firm arm around my waist , pulling me closer against him . Carlisle had a hand on Esme's shoulder , Alice and Jasper were holding hands , Rose and Emmmett had thier arms linked and Bella and Edward were standing close to each other . One minute we're alone and the next minute we surrounded giant wolves .
" I'll be the interpreter . " Edward said .
Carlisle nodded .
" Thank you for coming . " Esme said .

Note - Edward speaking for the wolves is in bold .

" Who are they ? " asked Edward .
The wolves growled towards me and and Damon pushed me behind him and snarled .
" If you touch her , I'll kill you. Easily . " Damon hissed .
A wolf looked like it would charge , but Rose , Emmett and Edward jumped in it's way .
" They came to help ! " Alice squealed .
" She's my best friend . " Edward protested .
" Damon . " I scolded .
I was glaring at all of them .
I pushed out from behind them and faced everyone .
" You all treat me like Im fragile ! I'm over 400 years older then all of you ! " I said .
" What do you mean ? "
" Sydney is more powerful . She's older , she's faster , she's stronger , she has more powers ...." Carlisle explained .
" Basically , I'm better . " I said .
Damon laughed along with Emmett and Edward .
" She's actually right . She IS better . " Alice said .
I laughed .
" Alright ,let's begin . " Esme said .
Jasper walked in front of us and explained the proper teniques , then we fake fought .
I beat evey one I fought .

I woke up the next morning in Damon's arms . He was awake , looking up at the ceiling .
" Are you alright ? " I asked .
" Oh , I'M fine . " he said .
Damon sighed .
" What is it ? " I asked , stroking his face .
" It's just that , here I am in bed with one of the most beautiful woman I've ever met ..... " Damon said .
" What's wrong with that ? " I asked .
" I'm the worst brother EVER . " he said .
" Why ? " I asked .
" Because I'm in bed with the woman my brother loves and I think I may be in love with her too . " Damon said .
I got up .
" I should get ready . " I said , changing the subject.
I went into the bathroom and changed into dark jeans , a grey tank top , a brown leather jacket and tall boots . I walked out and Damon was dressed and we walked downstairs . The Cullens were already ready . We all ran to the field , except for Edward , who was with Bella , guarding her .
We got to the meadow and took our stances
The wolves were waiting in the woods till the army came .
" Sydney and Damon , can you use your powers ? " Esme asked .
We both nodded .
Then we saw the vampires . They were young . Very young and very mean .
We collided and I ripped off 4 heads in the first 8 minutes .
The wolves ran out of the wolves and started fighting too .
There was fur flying and growls and snarls and I was killing things left and right . Then I heard a scream . Bella .
I turned and saw Damon killing things easily and smiling mercilessly .
I needed to find Edward .
Without a word , I pulled 2 vampires off of 2 wolves , killing them and saving the wolves , before cutting through the crowd and running off into the woods , heading up the mountain to get to Edward .
Trees became a blur as I accelerated far beyond I knew I could .
I made it just in time to see Edward and Bella cornered by two vampires . One I knew to be Victoria .
They all looked stunned to see me .
" Who's your friend , Edward ? " she asked with a smirk .
She moved with vampire speed and got me around the waist . I came up with a plan .
I screamed and went limp , playing weak .
Edward looked confused and then worried . There was a sandy wolf at his side that growled .
" STOP ! IT HURTS ! " I screamed .
Victoria laughed .
" Another stupid weak human . " She said .
She slammed me on the ground and I heard a crack . Perfect !
She kicked me and then I pretended to pass out and Edward almost lunged .
When Victoria wasn't looking and she'd prepared to attack Edward , I got up using my speed and attacked her , grabbing her around the neck , so she couldn't move . I slammed her over my knee and she screamed .
Everyone stared at me .
" Weak ? Stupid ? Human ? Think again . " I snarled as I kicked her and punched her .
I was stronger and you could tell .
Victoria screamed .
I was about to rip off her head when the blonde boy grabbed me around the waist and tackled me .
Victoria sprang up and attacked me too . I knocked the blonde boy away , easily .
" What are you ? " Victoria asked .
" Isn't obvious ? I'm better ." I said .
Victoria thought a moment.
" You're an old one . " she said .
" And not a wrinkle one me . " I said .
The blonde attacked me again and then Victoria pushed him out of the way and pushed me into a tree .
I screamed .
I gotten stabbed through my torso with a tree branch .
Edward ran forward and attacked her , killing her .
The sandy wolf attacked the blonde one.
I just stood there , unable to move with red blood gushing from me .
Bella tried to distract the blonde one by cutting herself with a rock and I was about to loose it .
Edward ran over .
" Ready ? " he asked .
The wolf phased back into a human . He must've only been 16 .
He was staring at me by Bella .
" One three . " I choked out .
Edward nodded.
" One . " I said .
" Two . " he said .
I took a deep breath .
" Three . " I said .
He pulled me off the tree fast and I screamed .
I still had a little of the branch in me .
" Stand back . " I warned .
Edward took a step back as I ripped out the stick .
I screamed and almost fell , but someone caught me .
The werewolf .
He caught me with a kind smile .
" Is she gonna be okay ? " asked the boy .
" I don't know , I've never seen her this rough . " Edward said concerned .
I panted .
" I'll be fine , Edward . It didn't pierce my heart . She had horrible aim. I just need to heal . " I said .
" I'm Seth . Seth Clearwater. " said the boy .
" Sydney . Sydney Pierce . " I said.
" We have to get her to Carlisle . " Edward said.
" I'll take her . You have to take Bella . " Seth said.
Edward nodded as Seth lifted me gently , holding me close to his chest . He began running alongside Edward and Bella .
We got to the meadow and the fighting was already over . Everyone gasped and stared as Edward carried Bella up first and then Seth and I .
Damon was furious . Damon ran over to us and Seth put me down gently on the field.
" What did you do to HER ! WHAT HAPPENED ?!? "Damon demanded .
" She saved me . " Bella said .
" She saved all three of us ." Seth said .
Damon dropped down beside me and grabbed my hand .
" I'll be fine . " I choked out .
Damon nodded .
" It didn't get your heart. " he said gently .
Everyone had gathered around us .I was laying there on the grass , with Damon holding my hand .
" The Voulturi are here . " Alice informed .
Damon crouched over me protectively .
" Sydney shouldn't be here . " Edward said .
" It's too late now . " said Jasper .
I saw 4 hooded figures walk up. 1 woman and 3 men .
They looked really surprised and curious when they saw me there .
" Jane, how are you ? " greeted Carlisle .
" I'm fine . Just fine . I guess we missed all of the action. " said the blond girl .
She looked around and saw me and then looked at Bella .
" Bella , I see you're still human . " she said .
" The date is set . " Bella said .
Jane kept her pout .
" I guess our job is done here . " she said and then snapped and the other 3 hooded figures followed her off into the woods .
After receiving some medical attention from Carlisle , Edward walked in .
" Congratulations on Bella . " I said .
" Thanks . " Edward said.
He got a thoughtful expression .
" Do you care for him? " Edward asked .
" Who ? " I asked .
" Damon ." Edward replied .
" Yes . I think I do . But I don't know the extent of my feeling for him . " I said with a sigh .


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