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Outside the widows, black had instantly enveloped them with its mist like appearance which caused confusion amongst the students and teacher. Two men came out of a dark hole, the same men that had attacked class 1-A in the USJ.

Kurogiri and Shigaraki Tomura stood there, menacing auras radiating off of them as the warp gate closes. It was only four days prior that Izuku Midoriya had been choked by the hand covered villain and only minutes before the group went to summer training camp.

It was bold, unexpected, they were infiltrating an high school made for discovering superheroes and pros littered in every corner after all. "Mid-ori-ya, what did I say about trying to follow me?" Shigaraki said in a sing-song voice as his eyes reached onto one 15-year-old One For All user. Izuku knew what he meant, after he had fled Uraraka called the police opening a new case with his name plastered on the cover.

The class broke out into fighting stances as Tsuyu shoved Izuku to the back of the lot. "You got a lotta nerve coming to my school a*******!" Katsuki Bokugo yelled fiery blasts emitting from his palms, "I'll make you regret ever messing with me!" He lunged forward sending an explosion in the villains direction, but it never came. Instead a gate had deflected it onto the group of minors. They stood their ground as smoke blocked their vision. Aizawa moved fast to clear it and stand in front of his students.

"Why are you here?" He demanded his hair up and scarf creating a line across the others as to say 'back off'.

Shigaraki groaned in annoyance, "I was still using that smog Eraser Head." He hissed. "Why do you have to take away all the fun?" He bent down slightly before running towards his target. Aizawa reacted almost as if rehearsed however another gate had opened right next to the green haired hero. A hand out of many grabbed him tightly around the neck with all but one finger, a feeling all to familiar. Izuku tried to grab onto anything, anyone even reaching for Tsuyu's tongue as she attempted to rescue her beloved friend. But to no avail. They reappeared by the widows next to Kurogiri, Izuku grabbing the man's hand trying to pull it away shaking as he was lifted from the ground. "Make one move and I disintegrate his throat." He threatened. Struggle laced everyone's faces except for the villains, which even though you couldn't tell, had wicked grins. Izuku' gasps and grunts filled the ever growing silent room.

"Why are you doing this?" Tsuyu asked adrenaline forming in the pit of her stomach. She watched as her peer's eyes were closed tightly with all his might digging his short nails into the hand wrapped around his throat as it was begging to become red. Shigaraki's middle finger stroked Midoriya's Adam's apple in a menacing manner.

"I get rid of things I don't like, lies, secrets, things that stop me, this is what are going to kill him, I'm just the messenger boy." His eyes were barely seen with the disembodied limb covering his face, but the class could see the evil glint they produced. "Hey Midoriya, why don't you tell them eh? It would be a good last words. Or do you want to die with knowing that because you wouldn't tell them your little secret about 'All For One', they'd live their lives never knowing what caused your demise? Gee they'd blame themselves."

"Leave....them.....out of...this..." Izuku managed to get out with the lack of oxygen traveling to his lungs. Shigaraki jostled him slightly making it increasingly difficult to breathe. "I'm not....the only one" Daringly Izuku shot an icy glare over to him, which he didn't like.

"Fine, you've made your choice, Kurogiri let's go home," he said not breaking his stare down with his soon to be victim. The class practically leapt forward before hearing a shriek of agony and abruptly coming to a stop. Izuku' eyes were bloodshot and wide, tears now streaming down his face. "Ah ah ah, what did I say?" The majority of his neck was now cracked with his muscles showing. All the skin in the front gone. His body trembled in pain as he looked over to his friends and teacher, sharing mortified expressions. Izuku felt a hand in his back pocket and his phone pulled out, "We'll keep in touch." Is all that Shigaraki said when he Kurogiri and Izuku crept into a misty hole no longer in the room, leaving the phone on the ground.

The brilliant bright blue sky returned.

Everyone fell into their own pit of emotions. Sadness, fear, worry, anger, hatred, horror. But all felt the shock and pain to know that they had just gave their peer into the hands of villains.


Hiya! I'm The Lady of Fandoms, but you can call me Rae.

This is not my first fanfic, but I'm still a noob so don't hate on me. Also if you read this (this right here not the know what I mean) then you'll know that I have already written a few chapters of this book. However whether I publish it is up to you. If I get at least 5 votes (from people I don't know irl) then I'll update. That's fair right? I just wanna know I'm not wasting my time. Even if it's just five people at least I'm making them happy, hopefully.

But if you don't read this then I guess I can't really count on your support. Author notes are important you know.

Anyway I gotta bounce, I just thought of something, later!


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