three: 2

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Two days prior:

After the events that had occurred yesterday at Todoroki's house, Izuku was furious.

It wasn't what Endeavor had said about him, saying to stay away, it's that he thought it was okay to be a so called "protective father". In reality, all that man wanted was for the kid that told him the truth to go away before he said something else. It disgusted Izuku, it was worse then his own father leaving him and his mother.

Izuku couldn't say a word though, unfortunately it isn't his place and it killed him. No one should have to suffer with an abusive parent like that, especially Todoroki who's come a long way and has become a great friend.

On the rout to school he couldn't help but huff and puff at the thought. This did not get unnoticed by a passing student. "Hey Deku what's up?" A unusually concerned voice spoke softly, blocking his view of the UA entrance.

"H-hi Uraraka!" He said jumping in the slightest bit, "And um, well it's something that happened yesterday..." Uraraka was worried to say the least, but didn't push. Let him say what he needed, "Todoroki and I were waking home together when we got to his house....something happened with his dad and I feel bad about it."

"What happened Deku?" She asked trying to hide the questions that whirled around her mind. Trying to just be an ear to listen.

Izuku shifted awkwardly as they approached the hero school in front of them, "Um, well I didn't tell you this but u-uh....before I fought Todoroki at the sports festival...I ran into Endeavor." He said slowly replaying the events in his head.

The dead look in the man's eyes, the soulless tone that dripped out of his lips, the h***fire (metaphorically and literally).

Uraraka gasped in surprise, how could he not say anything? "W-well he was—was telling me to," an eerily familiar blackened aura engulfed the green haired teen. It honestly scared the brunette beside him, "that Todoroki is just a pawn to surpass All Might." Izuku hissed. Pure sympathy filled the young girl's heart as she gaped at the tale, no words coming out. "He compared me to All Might, and how beating me would step up Todoroki's game." Deku stared straight into his friend's glistening eyes, "I told him I'm not All Might, it's obvious. That Todoroki wasn't him."

"That's awful!" Uraraka exclaimed equalling the rising blood pressure of the boy next to her as they entered the school to their hallway. "Why doesn't he say anything? Why didn't you say anything to me so everyone could help?"

Izuku gave an painful look, "I couldn't, and–and I probably should've never told you this but I can't just stand by." His expression turned blank, completely lost of emotion, "I know what it feels like to be abandoned and powerless to someone like him."

Uraraka knew what he was referring to, when they had just began to become close friends, Deku opened up about his father to Iida and herself. All the terrible things that, that, dreadful man did to his family. Never had she thought another one of her classmates would go through something similar yet oh so different. "Deku..."

"Anyway he told me everything, everything about his family life when he confronted me a little while before our fight. And when I saw his "father"," Izuku said with air quotation marks. "I just had to go before I said anything I'd regret, I wanna help but I was told not to meddle around in it."

"Who'd say that?"

"Sorry, there's still some things I can't say." Deku gave Uraraka an apologetic face. "But you have to promise not to do anything at all, not unless that ba***** makes the first move." They reached the doorway of class 1-A, when they entered false smiles were plastered on their faces.


"So Midoriya, how are you doing?" Mina asked followed by the group of 1-A girls. They had all been avoiding him in a way, not knowing what to say. But both Tsuyu and Ochako had convinced them to go up and speak to him, to start acting like his friend. That hit 'Em right between the eyes.

Izuku, who had been studying his notebook on improving his quirk, looked up to see everyone a bit shocked. "Um I've been okay..." he closed his notebook in a hurry, preferring if they don't see what's inside.

Expressions of sympathy and self loathing came across the girl's as they saw right through his lie. Before poor Izuku knew it all of them reached into a ginormous group hug, sucking the air out of his lungs. "We're so sorry we didn't comfort you! We are bad frrriieeennnddsss!" Mina cried with blotchy tears.

"I'm sorry Midoriya!" The rest said some with tears and some without.

While Izuku was experiencing pain throughout his whole body for everyone had tried to grab onto him, the pervert of the class and Karminari were growing envious. This ended though once Aizawa walked in and simply glared at his students.

"As you already know camp is in two days," this announcement caused the class to erupt in cheers and excited hollers. "Chill, I just wanted to–" he cut himself off his eyes meeting the empty seat in front of Izuku. "Is Bakugo absent?" The class broke into small chatter saying how it was more quiet then usual. "Does that mean I actually have to take attendance?" The lazy sleep deprived man asked in annoyance. The class nodded amused, their teacher sighed and left them to go get a paper.

After school had ended Aizawa told Midoriya to bring Kacchan his missed work. He was anxious, the last time he went to Kacchan's home it was when they were kids. Yeah their families have hung out a bunch of times since than's still a little weird.

When he reached the apartment, Izuku put his hand up to knock. About a minute later Kacchan's mom answered the door, "Izuku? Oh Izuku I heard what happened I'm so glad you're okay!" She exclaimed by hugging him tightly. Normally she would have the temper of her son, but Izuku was like another child of her's. The nice one. "What are you doing here?" She asked releasing the teen. Izuku help up his ex-friend's homework. "Oh thank you Izu......hey you wanna come in for some tea? It's been so long and I'm sure Inko wouldn't mind."

"U-uh yeah okay!" Deku answered taking up her offer happy to be catching up. Ever since Kacchan had begun to bully him, Izuku never had many friends, so talking to adults was his only option. And through time he started to really enjoy it.

The young looking mother opened the door wider for him and they both made their way inside the apartment. After she had set up some tea, they had started to talk for a while. Sharing stories about Kacchan. It was fun, up until the subject of the accident came up. "I just, I got so worried for you guys after hearing about the USJ incident, I was furious. And now that you got threatened by the same you think he's targeting Katsuki or anyone of your classmates next?" She asked worry evident in her eyes.

Izuku looked down at the teacup in his hands, "No, I don't think so." His grip tightened as the events yet again replayed and rewinded over and over again. He helped a villain, he helped a villain, he helped a villain. The phrase never leaving his mind even after the goodbyes they exchanged later on.


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