seven: entangled

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Izuku couldn't think as he was being drawn into the abyss teleporting him who knows where. He couldn't breathe when his eyes gave into collapsing shut with the heavy weight of tears forcing them down. He couldn't do anything, his body was losing consciousness by the second. He let it. The world around him went black and all feeling was lost throughout his system when he was completely knocked out.

Shigaraki scoffed at the boy in his hand, "Pathetic." He mutter under his breathe. There he stood Kurogiri beside him in their bar. The lights flickered their dim luminescence indicating the need to change them. "Kurogiri take care of him will ya?" Shigaraki harshly released the teen to the ground making a thud when his face landed on the cold oak wood flooring. An nail that had been moved out of place all these years scraped against his right cheekbone, leaving yet another injury. His blood leaked on the floor soaking into the floorboards where he had been sliced with his captor's knife.

Kurogiri nodded opening another gate to the lower depths of the hideout. Both he and Izuku were in a blackened room. No windows, no doors, the only light source was an open light bulb with a rusted metal chain coming down from it.

A steel table resided in the center, having straps attached to it for his arms, legs, torso, and head. Kurogiri carelessly picked up the limp boy and shoved him on the table, he stapled him into the leather restrains. Not that it really mattered, once he woke his body would protest movement and escaping would be ill advised.

The villain looked down at his clothing once prim and proper, now drenched in a "dead man's" blood. He let out an annoyed groan knowing he'd have to trash them. "Stupid kid," he mumbled before leaving an dormant Izuku Midoriya in the rotting room.

Kurogiri returned to his usual spot as the bartender with Shigaraki sitting in the chair in front of him. "Now that that's done with," Shigaraki paused, "I can't believe we pulled that off!" He chuckled. "Man even with all the reinforcements we had no one suspected a thing! Really tells you how heroes are now." He glanced down at the lemonade that was passed to him. "Man I really wanna kill him."

"Shigaraki you know the boss said to wait." Kurogiri informed. The whole reason they went after Midoriya was for All For One. Apparently he wanted them to run tests on him, to see how concentrated his quirk was. Because if he was able to master it by this time already then when they killed the boy it wouldn't take long for another to pop up. "Let the scientists do their things. Then we'll have our fun."


Hours had passed, days, a week. Izuku had finally woken up, he was greeted with stabbing pain throughout his body. His throat ached beyond explanation, his wound from Shigaraki's slice infected as his body attempted to heal it self. Immediately Izuku shot up only to be held down by the restraints, his head slammed back down onto the metal surface. With heavy breathing and panic sinking in he looked around the parts of the room he could. His eyes darted around it with escape the only thing racing in his mind. He turned his neck but stopped himself with his own echoing cry of misery. Tears flooded his eyes and he remained still, motionless to the pain. Izuku's eyelids smashed down desperately hoping the impossible. Someone was going to get him. That they were there right now.

Cold rushed into the boy's face. An all to familiar misty portal opened up, two feet, both with red sneakers, walked out of it. "Look who decided to grace me with their presence? How are you, Midoriya?" Shigaraki's voice sang with anticipation. There was no hands covering him anymore, but his own held a syringe with an liquid that constantly was changing color.

Green, gold, red, black. Green, gold, red, black. Green, gold, red, black. Green, gold, red, black.

"Curious?" Shigaraki asked following the boy's eyes to the needle. "No need to worry, this won't kill you...probably." A chill went through Izuku's whole body at the words, "I just need a test subject the other guy couldn't handle it." He walked to the terrified teen who couldn't look away from the 'drug like' liquid inching closer to him. The sliver haired young villain moved aside Izuku's shirt from the opening he had made to the center of his chest. Izuku ignored the throbbing pain as mush as he could and shoved all his remaining energy to try and break free. He wanted to activate One for All, but his efforts were pointless when Shigaraki pressed down on his injured shoulder forcing another cry to come out of the boy's mouth.

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