twelve: w-what did i say?

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Haha I haven't written anything in nearly a month...yeah I have so many ideas it's kinda annoying because I see it as a manga/anime but I just can't seem to portray it in my book. Trust me it's like the actual show in my head so please bear with me and maybe try to do the same? It's really fun.

By the way Gilded = gold

Todoroki had gone inside in the middle of the match to get his water bottle. Of course it didn't take him very long however he had another intention, get intel on what happened with Midoriya by any means necessary. Whenever anyone tried to ask him about what he went through he dodged them with a laugh saying some joke about it.

But Todoroki couldn't laugh back.

Yes, it is expected of him not to want to talk about it, yet no one knew anything. Why the league took him, why they wanted to kill him, how much did he have to endure? Todoroki has asked Mrs. Midoriya if her son was seeing a therapist, genuinely concerned that he's just bottling everything up, so when the answer was no, it made him even more suspicious.

Everyone else in the class has seemingly forgotten what the villain had said when Izuku was kidnapped.
"I get rid of things I don't like, lies, secrets, things that stop me, this is what are going to kill him, I'm just the messenger boy." His eyes were barely seen with the disembodied limb covering his face, but the class could see the evil glint they produced. "Hey Midoriya, why don't you tell them eh? It would be a good last words. Or do you want to die with knowing that because you wouldn't tell them your little secret about 'All For One', they'd live their lives never knowing what caused your demise? Gee they'd blame themselves."

"Leave....them.....out of...this..." Izuku managed to get out with the lack of oxygen traveling to his lungs. Shigaraki jostled him slightly making it increasingly difficult to breathe. "I'm not....the only one" Daringly Izuku shot an icy glare over to him, which he didn't like.

Clearly these two knew more then they were saying. That fact killed the half hot and half cold hero. During the sports festival, Todoroki has opened up about his past and Midoriya saved him from being held back by it. Then just like Deku he did the same for Iida. Now someone needed to save Izuku.

But how could he get him to spill? That was the million dollar question.

While on the way back from rummaging through Midoriya's paperwork to see if he can find anything of importance (no result) Todoroki makes his way to the doors. Well unless anyone would consider scribbled dates and the repetitive colors red and gold in an small notebook something worth wild. He stops abruptly at a corner overhearing a conversation.

"W-what did I say?" The freckled teen pleaded with anxiety. His body shook and his hand covering his quivering lips. "It happened again didn't it? I thought it stopped, this is the first time in days!"

"I-I know Izuku...but I have some even worse news..." the green haired boy looked up from his trained gaze at the white tiled flooring. "Your eyes...they were a new this time. I'm sorry."

"B-black? But all the other times..." Izuku's quaking voice halted realizing something. "What happened this time?" He asked clearly putting pieces together. He looked back down at the floor, ashamed to let anyone see his eyes.

"You got really analytical, and super relaxed like you didn't have a single care in the world. All I asked was what your friends were playing and then it just you think asking thought provoking questions is the trigger? Because every since you woke up everyone talks to you like you are young as to not pressure you." She responds inching closer to him so she can lift his head up. "Be careful now you keep popping your stitches from really dumb stuff."

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