Chapter 4

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I had been walking down the pavement for a long time now. I’m not sure how long but it had gotten dark a few hours agoso I’m guessing it was about 9PM.

I stopped when I found a bus shelter. I guess I could stay here for the night, right? Just one night.

I put my suitcase that I had been dragging around down then sat down on the cold concrete. This is going to be a long night. I should have brought a pillow or something. I decided to go to sleep because what else am I supposed to do? I closed my eyes and surprisingly, within a few minutes I was asleep.


‘Sweetheart! Wake up!’ I heard somebody coo as they slightly shook me. My eyes immediately shot open and I took in my surroundings. The bus shelter. This place really was disgusting, there were cigarettes and bear bottles scattered all over the place. I turned my attention back to the person that had woken me up. It was a guy who seemed to be maybe one or two years older than me. He had black hair, dark brown eyes and tanned skin. Yep, he was hot.

‘Yes?’ I finally answered as I slowly rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the early morning sun.

‘What are you doing out here all alone?’ He asked, he seemed concerned but he also seemed like he already knew the answer.

‘Just resting.’ I mumbled as I slowly stood up off of the ground and grabbed my suitcase.

‘Do you need somewhere to stay?’ He asked. Should I really do this whole ‘move in with strangers’ thing again? I don’t think I should.

‘No thanks.’ I muttered as I began to walk off. He grabbed my arm, pulling me back.

‘No, really. It’d be no trouble.’ He said as he let go of my arm.

‘What did you say your name was again?’ I asked, ignoring his question.

‘I didn’t. I’m Ben and you are?’ He said as he held out his hand.


Where did I hear that name before? It seemed so familiar and set sirens off in my head, warning me to stay away.

I brushed off the thought.

‘My name’s Lola.’ I said as I grabbed his hand. His touch sent shivers up and down my spine. Not the kind that I got from Justin. They almost felt cold. Evil.

I flinched then pulled my hand away.

‘What’s wrong?’ Ben asked while smirking. I saw his brown eyes quickly flash to a bright red before they returned to brown.

‘N-nothing.’ I said as I took a step away. He began to walk closer.

I backed away quickly before grabbing my suitcase and sprinting in the other direction. I was almost at the end of the street before I felt two strong arms make their way around my waist, stopping me.

‘You can’t get away that easily.’ He whispered in my ear. It was then that I realised that this was the ‘Ben’ that I had heard Justin talking about. The one that killed Danny? I don’t know. They said it was most likely an animal attack but you can’t be too sure. Justin said that he wanted revenge and maybe this is just another way that he’s going to get it.

I struggled in Ben’s grip before finally giving up. He’s a lot stronger than he looks. Which is really strong.

I felt something hit the back of my head before everything went black.


I woke up in a dark room; I can’t remember what happened to me.

I stood up then walked towards the wall and felt around the wall while I looked for a light switch. The lights turned on but I hadn’t found the switch yet. I turned around to see that Ben guy again. He was looking at me in amusement.

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