Chapter 10

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I lay on my soft bed with my laptop heating up my legs. I opened a new tab then decided to go on facebook. I haven’t been on facebook since the day I got kicked out. I did the usual birthday ritual then scrolled down my news feed. I rolled my eyes at the girls that took photos in their bikinis in the middle of their bedrooms. My thoughts were interrupted by a something hitting my window.

I got up and walked towards the window then drew the blinds. Nothing there. It must have been a twig falling from a tree or something; nobody would be able to climb up here anyway.

My fingers fumbled threw my long brown ringlets as I gazed at the moon; it was so beautiful and big tonight. In fact, I think it was a full moon.

I jumped when I heard someone knocking on the door. “Its open!” I called and within seconds, the door opened to reveal Alex. “Hey.” I greeted him with a warm smile.

“Hey” he replied, still standing in the doorway. “You coming down to dinner?”

I nodded then shut my laptop and continued to walk down into the large dining room with Alex by my side. We didn’t talk but it wasn’t needed.

When we entered the dining room, the first thing I saw was the whole pack howling in Justin’s ears then laughing when he shot each and every one of them an icy glare.

‘What’s going on?’ I whispered to Alex but the whole pack turned to me. I guess they all heard me.

‘It’s a full moon.’ A girl named Tammy laughed.

‘So what happens? Do you guys all turn then fight each other or something?’ I said jokingly. They all shook their heads and laughed.

‘Nothing happens but the alphas usually get pretty moody.’ Rachel responded before howling into Justin’s ear again.

‘That’s enough!’ Justin growled. ‘Everyone sit down and eat already!’ He ordered. Everyone stifled back laughter as they took their seats.

I sat down next to Justin and smirked at him playfully, he glared back at me.

‘What?’ he spat. I furrowed my eyebrows then moved my gaze down to my food. Damn, this boy really is moody.

I saw his expression soften out of the corner of my eye then felt his warm hand reach for mine under the table, our fingers intertwined and I felt the sparks once again.  I looked up at Justin and smiled warmly, he returned the gesture then leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek. I blushed slightly then bowed my head, letting my long brown hair cover my face. Justin reached over and moved my hair behind my ear. ‘Don’t hide your face from me gorgeous.’ He cooed, which just made me blush even more. I seriously have to stop that!

Dinner was filled with everyone talking about school, except for the older pack members, they just thought of something different to talk about between themselves. It seems that everyone has already pin pointed all of the cliques, not that its difficult.

After dinner most of the pack was gathered around the television but weren’t actually paying attention to it as they all spoke among themselves. I was in mid-conversation with Tammy when I felt somebody tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Alex. “Yes?” I questioned.

“Justin wants you.” Alex said with a worried expression. I told Tammy that I would be back later as I rose to my feet off of the comfy red couch.

I made my way towards Justin’s bedroom and when I walked in, I couldn’t find him.

“Justin?” I questioned.

“Here.” I heard him whisper just so that I could hear him. I moved my gaze to the corner of the room, where Justin sat with tear stained cheeks. Wow.

“Justin?! What’s wrong?” I gaped as tears stang the corner of my eyes and my vision got cloudy. Seeing Justin like this made me feel the same way that he did, I guess it’s a ‘mate’ thing. It was devastating.

Justin held out his arms and I gladly held him tight and nuzzled into his chest, trying to comfort him.

‘Its just that… I miss Jason. I miss him so much and I don’t know if I can lead the pack on my own. It’s so difficult to try to live up to Jason. He was a legend, a role model and it’s not just that I miss him but I have nobody to rely on. No family left.’ He explained before burying his face in my hair. Even though I was the one that was comforting Justin, I felt safe here in his arms.

I sighed then moved my head so that I was gazing into Justin’s eyes. “Justin I can’t say that I know how you feel but trust me, you’re going to be and already are the greatest alpha that this pack has ever seen and ever will see.” I said sincerely. “I knew Jason and he was a great guy but so are you. Please stopputting yourself down because I hate seeing you like this.” I cooed as I played with the hair at the back of his head.

The edges of Justin’s lips slightly pointed up which instantly made me feel a lot better. He caught me off guard when I felt his soft, plump lips crash onto my own although I instantly kissed back. Sparks radiated throughout my whole body as he put one hand onto the small of my back and the other holding onto the back of my neck. Almost as if it were an instinct, my hand flew to the back of his head and I started playing with his hair. His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, which caused me to slightly open my mouth. Without hesitation, Justin’s tongue slipped in. The kiss was long and perfect. Finally, we pulled apart and stared into each other’s eyes while we caught our breath. Justin’s eyes quickly flashed to a red before returning to their natural brown. He smirked at me before rising to his feet, holding out his hands for me, which I took and he lifted me up.

‘Wow you really are moody tonight.’ I giggled before walking out of the room and towards the elevator.

‘Wait!’ Justin called from his room. I turned on my heel then looked back expectantly.

‘Aren’t you going to sleep in here tonight?’ He asked. I thought about it before shaking my head.

‘The others will get the wrong idea.’ I giggled.

‘Who cares what they think?’ Justin purred as he pressed me up against his chest.

“Goodnight Justin.” I laughed before pecking him on the lips and walking towards the elevator then went up to my bedroom.

I had a quick shower, brushed my teeth then put on some fresh pyjamas. I reluctantly set an alarm for 7AM. I’m not looking forward to school at all. I switched off the light and let sleep take over my mind.


I awoke to my phone buzzing. I’m so not ready for school yet!

I lazily opened one eye to see that the room was still submerged with darkness. I looked at my phone to see that I had a new text message.

From: Unknown

To: Lola

You look cute when you sleep. ;)

I froze. I slowly moved my gaze to the window to see the same pair of glowing vibrant red eyes between the trees. I froze.

Should I tell Justin?

I decided that I should.

I slowly and quietly creeped out of bed, trying not to be seen which was pointless since they could already see me. I picked up my phone then tip toed down the hall to the elevator. It was as if it was never going to show up.

When it finally arrived, I pressed the ‘G’ button about 1000 times. It was as if the lift had just woken up or something.

I reached the ground floor then ran to Justin’s room, he was still awake, his head snapped towards me.

“Baby? What’s wrong?” He questioned, immediately worried. I shakily held up my phone for him to read the text. His expression went hard before I gulped when my eyes caught on something out the window. Justin followed my gaze.

Outside we saw not one, but 6 pairs of glowing red eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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