Chapter 2

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When Jimin wakes up hours later he's on the bed and Jungkook is laying down next to him. Jungkook has his arms wrapped around Jimin's waist holding him securely as he snuggles the older close to his chest. Jimin stiffens when he's fully awake, he knows from Jungkook's even breathing that the younger is still sleeping. He wants to pull away but he's afraid that will wake him up and that's the last thing Jimin wants. He's still unsure if Jungkook is mad, if Jungkook wakes up angry he'll only hurt Jimin again and Jimin doesn't want to risk another beating, his body already hurts enough.

However, a few minutes later Jungkook starts to wake up anyway. He yawns before pulling away from Jimin slightly and looking down into Jimin's eyes which still only show fear. Jimin's whole body radiates fear as he gazes at Jungkook in apprehension.

"Stop looking at me like that. I'm not going to hurt you again... I'm sorry for hurting you at all. I really shouldn't're pregnant, I shouldn't have laid a hand on you like that... it was stupid and irresponsible of me" Jungkook says looking at Jimin apologetically. Jimin doesn't say anything but in his mind, all he can do is ask if Jungkook was trying to imply it was fine for him to beat Jimin if he wasn't pregnant.

"Are you hungry? It's kind of late and I don't know if you've eaten since I left after lunch." Jungkook says giving Jimin in inquisitive look.

"I'm not hungry," Jimin says quietly, looking down so that Jungkook can't see Jimin's face anymore.

"Did you already eat then?" Jungkook asks and Jimin shakes his head causing Jungkook to frown.

"Then you should eat. It's not good to skip meals, especially now that you have a baby growing inside you. Here, I'll go make you some food. Just come to the kitchen once you've washed your face." Jungkook insists as he gets up and heads towards the kitchen. Jimin sighs and places a hand on his tummy rubbing at it softly, he still can't believe he's really pregnant it feels so surreal. But he knows things will only get worse from here on out. Jimin will have to be extra careful around Jungkook, he had to avoid another beating at all costs. Jungkook had been growing more and more violent with each beating and if Jimin hadn't been protecting his stomach he fears he might have lost the baby. He isn't sure he'll be so lucky next time...then again was it worth it to have a baby in this hellhole? Jimin had no guarantee that Jungkook wouldn't hurt the baby once it was born and that scared Jimin more than anything else.

"Jimin! Are you coming yet?!" Jungkook called from the kitchen. Jimin scrambled off the bed and rushed to the bathroom to wash his face really quickly before dashing into the kitchen. He couldn't take any chances with Jungkook's temper anymore.

A couple of months passed and Jimin's pregnancy was going well. His tummy had grown in size and there was now a noticeable baby bump. Jungkook had decided to cancel all his work trips since the day he'd found out Jimin was pregnant, in favor of staying home and keeping watch over Jimin. He only worked on his laptop from home and would go out to stock up on their groceries. He would also accompany Jimin to all his doctor visits to check on the baby's progress. For his part, Jimin did everything he could to keep Jungkook happy with him. And it was going well, Jungkook hadn't laid a hand on him since the day Jimin found out he was pregnant. Rather Jungkook had been nothing but sweet to Jimin since then. He would constantly bring home Jimin's favorite flowers, cook him his favorite dishes, rub his back for him and other small things.

Jungkook even took Jimin out of the apartment for fresh air once in awhile. And if Jimin asked Jungkook to take him out to eat or to the park, Jungkook would oblige him at some point in the week if not at that very moment. As such, Jimin was starting to feel more comfortable with Jungkook again, it was almost like it had been when they'd first started dating. The only thing that made it different was the padlock on the door that prevented Jimin from leaving on his own. Jimin knew it was probably futile at this point to try and get away and so he focused on making things work with Jungkook instead, he kept telling himself it was for his baby's sake. Thankfully, things were going well, and Jimin could almost even say he was happy.

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