Chapter 6

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~A/N: So yea.. it's been five months... sorry, I just didn't know how I wanted to write out this next part. Anyway, I'll try to be quicker with the next update but no promises. Thanks for sticking around though!

Jimin sat there a moment contemplating if Jungkook was actually being serious. Would he really not be listening in on Jimin's conversation for a whole hour? The idea of having any semblance of freedom had long since left Jimin, this small freedom Jungkook was allowing seemed unreal. Jimin shook his head pushing his thoughts aside, he only had an hour he shouldn't waste it. He thought for a couple of seconds and then went through his contacts list and pressed on Jin Hyung's number. After a couple of rings the elder answered.

"Hello Jimin? It's been forever since you last called. How are you?" Jin said and Jimin smiled to himself. It was always nice to hear his hyung's voice.

"Hi hyung. Sorry I haven't called in a while. I'm ok, how are you?" Jimin responded.

"Same old same old. How are things with Jungkook?"

"They... they're ok hyung. How about you with Namjoon?"

"We're doing wonderful. Actually more than wonderful, I tried calling you before but as always you hardly ever answer. Anyway, Namjoon proposed to me!" Jin exclaimed happily. Jimin's eyes widened in surprised and then his smile widened.

"Oh my gosh hyung! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" Jimin replied.

"Thank you, I'm happy too. We've been dating since forever so I think it really is high time we got married. But we're actually waiting to have the wedding until next year so that Namjoon can get settled in his new job first."

"Oh I see, well at least that will give you plenty of time to plan it out."

"Yea I guess so. So Jiminie, anything new with you?" Jin asked.

"Oh um... well... uh I'm..." Jimin hesitated, was he really ready to tell his hyung about his pregnancy? What would he do if the elder wanted to see him? In all honesty, Jin probably would just congratulate him and not ask to see him. That was more of a problem with Taehyung.

"What is it Jimin? Is something wrong?" Jin asked sounding concerned.

"No, no, nothing's wrong.... I just wanted to say that I'm... pregnant." Jimin finally said. There was a moment of silence and then Jimin nearly went deaf as Jin screeched into the phone.

"Are you serious?! Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! How far along are you?! I can't believe you're having a kid before me! Just wait until I tell Namjoon!" Jin rambled on and Jimin chuckled at his hyung's excitement.

"Calm down hyung," Jimin said giggling.

"Calm down? How can you expect me calm down after hearing such wonderful news! How far along are you?" Jin questioned.

"Um...I'm actually a couple of weeks away from delivering." Jimin answered in a small voice.

"Two weeks from.... Oh my. You've really kept this a secret for too long! Why didn't you tell me sooner?! I wanted to come by to personally congratulate you two. Oh well, no matter, just tell me when you're going to deliver, I'll make sure to see you then! I can't wait to meet the little one!"

"Oh actually hyung you don't need to come. I kind of don't want anyone around except for Kookie when I give birth. But I promise I'll call you when she's born."

"She? You're having a little girl? A little princess? And you're denying me the pleasure of seeing her be born?" Jin asked sounding very happy but also there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry hyung. But you'll meet her soon promise!" Jimin replied feeling bad, but what was he to do? It wasn't up to him anyway.

"Fine, you have to call me the moment she's born though! And it better be a video chat!" Jin demanded and Jimin relented promising to do just that. The two talked for fifteen more minutes catching up on their respective lives. Jimin found himself lying about quite a few things and started feeling bad, but he was used to this. He always had to lie when he talked to them. After a couple more minutes Jimin bid the elder farewell and hung up. He then scrolled through his contacts and found Yoongi's number. He dialed but sadly it went to voicemail. Jimin ended the call deciding not to leave one. Then he called Hoseok and again found his call being forwarded to voicemail. Jimin sighed hanging up once again. The only person left to contact was Taehyung, but Jimin was nervous to call him especially after the last time they'd talked over two months ago. Taking a deep breath he pressed the call button and waited. It didn't even take one ring before Taehyung answered the phone.

"Hello?" Jimin heard Taehyung say.

"Hi..." Jimin replied softly.



"Oh wow, you finally called me."

"Yea... sorry it's been awhile" Jimin said feeling hurt by how cold his best friend's voice sounded.

"A while is an understatement especially with you ignoring my calls." Jimin heard Taehyung mumble into the phone.

"...I'm sorry.. I wasn't ignoring them really, it's just th-"

"Just what? You don't really use your phone? You haven't charged it in months? You broke it? What is the excuse this time Jimin?"

Jimin stayed silent, he hadn't expected the conversation to go like this at all.

Taehyung sighed before speaking up, "You've changed a lot ever since you dropped out of college. I've tried really hard to understand the changes but I just can't. How does someone who was practically addicted to their phone go to hardly using it? How does someone who was never impulsive suddenly drop out and move across the country with their boyfriend?"

"I... I have my reasons," Jimin replied lamely.

"So you say, I tried to be patient thinking you'd tell me on your own but it's been almost a year and you haven't. You avoid me and the hyungs, we haven't seen you in forever and when we ask to make plans to meet up you avoid them. You and Jungkook have secluded yourselves from the rest of us without any explanation and I'm tired of trying to find out why. So please Jimin unless you actually want to talk to me and tell me what happened I don't really want to talk with you. It hurts a lot to think you don't trust me enough to tell me anything. You ar-"

"I do trust you!" Jimin interrupted

Taehyung scoffed before saying, "Sure you do. Every time you've called you've been hiding things and frankly I'm tired of you pretending you trust me and care when you obviously don't. It doesn't take much effort to call me or at the least answer my phone calls, but it seems that you don't have any time for me so what's the point?"

"Tae..." Jimin said feeling his eyes well up with tears.

"Don't cry Jimin. There's no point in crying. You really can stop pretending. I get it, you moved somewhere new and made new friends, you don't need me or the hyung's anymore."

"You're wrong! I do need you guys!" Jimin insisted.

"You sure don't act like it."

"I don't mean to! I don't mean to keep secrets! I want to see you guys again but I just can't!" Jimin said desperate to get Taehyung to understand.

"Why can't you Jimin?" Taehyung asked a question he'd asked many times before.

"Jungkook will...he'll..." Jimin trailed off as tears began to stream down his face.

"Jungkook will?" Taehyung prompted.

"He'll..." Jimin bit his lip scared to say it. He didn't trust himself to say it. He was afraid the moment he admitted what was going on Jungkook would be there in front of him and begin beating him. He was so scared of admitting to anyone what had happened and was happening.

"What will Jungkook do Jimin? What has he done?" Taehyung asked softly.

~A/N: Thoughts?

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