Chapter 10

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They arrived at the venue for the party in a little over thirty minutes. It seemed his friends had rented out a small banquet hall for the baby shower. Jungkook got out of the car first and then opened the door for Jimin and helped him out. Jungkook then closed the door and locked the car before wrapping his arm around Jimin's waist lightly and gently leading him towards the building. Jimin bit his lip nervously as they got closer, the dread in his stomach from earlier getting just a little worse with every step.

"Remember to act surprised," Jungkook reminded one last time and almost as an afterthought added, "also behave."

Jimin nodded and pressed his lips together before making a quick decision and pulling Jungkook to a stop before they could go inside. Jungkook gave him a questioning look as Jimin just looked up at him for a second. Then Jimin leaned up and planted a quick kiss on Jungkook's lips. When he pulled away he said, "Thank you for letting me see them."

Jungkook looked stunned for a moment but then smiled and pulled Jimin into a hug while whispering a "you're welcome." Jungkook looked happier now about the whole thing and Jimin felt better. He'd managed to please Jungkook so even if he made some mistakes while with his friends, Jungkook was likely to forgive him easier now.

Pulling the door open, Jungkook held it open for Jimin smiling at him softly while motioning for him to go in. Jimin returned the smile and then walked inside. The moment he stepped inside he was greeted by Taehyung rushing at him and hugging him which actually did surprise him and so he didn't have to pretend to be surprised to see him there.

"Careful of the baby!" Jungkook yelled at them as he too entered the building.

"Taehyung?" Jimin said in surprise and Taehyung laughed as he released Jimin and smiled his boxy smile.

"The one and only. Surprised to see us?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded.

Taehyung smiled brightly and then his eyes wandered down to Jimin's stomach. "Wow, you look really pregnant."

"That's because he is, idiot," Jimin heard Yoongi say from somewhere behind Taehyung. Jimin moved to the side and was greeted by the sight of all his friends. Jin and Namjoon were sitting by a table full of presents while grinning happily at Jimin. Yoongi was standing about a foot away from the food table analyzing Jimin. Hoseok was beside Yoongi and he was waving at Jimin with a huge grin plastered to his face. Taemin and Joohyun were also there sitting at one of the tables. Jimin recognized a few others from his dance team at college. He looked around at everyone and he suddenly felt overwhelmed. Tears began gathering in his eyes and his site was becoming blurry.

Just as a tear was slipping down his face Jin walked up to him and pulled him in for a hug. "There, there, Jimin-ah... Are you that happy to see us that you're crying?" he asked softly when he pulled away and looked at younger's teary eyes. Jimin just nodded in answer.

"Well, then you should have come visited us before this silly," Jin said poking his nose gently and giggling which made Jimin giggle as well while nodding his head though he wished he could tell Jin he had wanted to and just hadn't been allowed too.

"Now that our guest of honor has arrived, let's get this baby shower started!" Hoseok said as he turned on the music and a bunch of little kids songs began playing causing everyone at the party to laugh. Jimin smiled, happy to see everyone. One by one they all greeted him and Jungkook, congratulating them on having a baby.

After the greetings, everyone gathered around the food table to have lunch as it was already one. Taehyung and Jin stayed beside Jimin the whole time. They piled his plate high with food and insisted on feeding him. Jimin felt nervous about the attention at first, thinking Jungkook might get mad over it. But Jungkook didn't look mad, he just watched from across the table and even smiled when Jimin looked at him which eased Jimin's nerves and he relaxed a bit more. Maybe that kiss they'd shared before entering had done more than allow him a few mistakes.

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