Chapter 4

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~A/N: A look into the past

Jimin would never have expected Jungkook to be abusive when they first met back in college. Jimin was a junior and Jungkook was a freshman. They had been introduced to each other by Taehyung, Jimin's best friend who also happened to be a rising model and actor.

"This here is Jungkook, but I call him Jungkookie because he's just so adorable!" Taehyung said pulling Jungkook forward to meet Jimin.

"And this Jungkookie is my soulmate Jiminie! Isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen? Can you believe he's actually older than me?" Taehyung said as he pinched the elder's cheeks. Jimin swatted his hand away and pouted before turning to face Jungkook.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Jimin said with an eye smile as he held out his hand. Jungkook gulped, amazed by Jimin's bright smile. He took Jimin's hand gently and shook it shocked by how soft the skin was. Jungkook wondered briefly if Jimin was single.

"Well now that I've introduced the two of you, I'm going to have to leave. Sorry I wanted to hang out but I got called to do a shooting near by and can't skip it. But you two should hang out and get to know each other!" Taehyung said.

"I mean we might as well...that is if you're up for it?" Jimin asked looking at Jungkook shyly.

"Ah sure..." Jungkook responded somewhat dumbly as he rubbed the back of his neck. Jimin gave him another bright smile and Jungkook returned it with a small one of his own. After that Taehyung left and the other two began to make small talk. They got to know each other well and Jungkook learned quickly that Jimin was, in fact, single.

A month passed by and the two became friends, really really close friends. Then one day out of the blue, Jimin asked Jungkook out on a date. The younger had been surprised but quickly agreed to it. And two days later, they were officially boyfriends. Jimin was happy about the new relationship and showered the younger with love and devotion. Jungkook loved the attention he received and relished in his hyung's presence. He doted on the elder and spoiled him silly. Jungkook knew from the moment Jimin had asked him out that he'd never let go of the elder. He wanted to marry Jimin and keep him by his side forever and so he aimed to get Jimin pregnant with his child. The way he saw it, if Jimin ended up having his child, Jimin would stay with him forever. So Jungkook made sure to be a good boyfriend and they did all the normal romantic things couples did together. They went on dates and brought each other gifts. It was all very sweet and endearing to any outside observer. No one would have suspected the dark thoughts roaming through Jungkook's mind.

"Hyung, move in with me." Jungkook said on one of their dates only a few weeks into their relationship. Jimin blinked up at him in complete surprise by the sudden statement but gave him an apologetic smile a second later.

"I'd love to Kookie, but it's only been three weeks; it's too soon, so not yet." Jimin had responded dismissing Jungkook's request. Jungkook frowned not liking the answer Jimin had given. It wasn't too soon, in fact, if anything, he'd already waited too long in asking. But Jungkook didn't say any of this, he pretended to agree with the elder and carried on with their date, promising himself he'd ask another day and wouldn't settle for a no.

A week after he first asked Jimin to move in with him Jungkook saw Jimin at school speaking with one of their seniors. Jungkook had been walking towards Jimin's class intent on asking the older to go with him on another date when he spotted Jimin walking with Taemin. The two were talking and Jimin was smiling at Taemin and also giggling at something Taemin said. Jungkook hid in a corner and listened in on their conversation.

"It's so hard to believe you're already taken Jiminie. Aish I wish I hadn't waited this long to confess to you." Taemin said and Jungkook's blood began to boil.

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