Epilogue 1

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~A/N: So this is the epilogue to ending 1 which was chapter 15. So if you liked that ending read on! 

If you wanted the epilogue for ending 2, chapter 16, don't read this epilogue!

"Sukja!" Jimin called out to his six-year-old daughter, just as all the other parents were doing to their children, as the whole class of ballet dancers was getting up onto the stage to begin their performance.

Sukja turned to look towards the audience, her bright eyes searching the crowd for her father. When her eyes landed on Jimin, she smiled and waved energetically blowing a kiss to her father who pretended to catch it and then blew one back, all the while a bright smile decorating his features.

"She looks so beautiful in that tutu," Jimin declared as he watched his little girl, dressed all in light blue, scamper up onto the stage and get into place beside her friends.

"Of course she does, she's the cutest person in the world after all," Taehyung said chuckling from beside him. Jimin giggled and nodded in agreement as he leaned forward a bit to cheer some more along with the rest of the parents. Soon all the girls and boys were on the stage and ready to begin, and so everyone was instructed to sit down.

Jimin and Taehyung sat down in their seats which were in the second row since they'd, thankfully, came early enough. The music started to play, a soft melody that was somewhat soothing and calm but soon shifted into more playful and uplifting notes. As the music played, the children on stage moved about to it. They were by no means perfect, but Jimin was still impressed with how well they were keeping up with the beat and each other.

"Aww they must have worked so hard on this," Jimin whispered to Taehyung. The younger nodded and said, "It sure looks like it. And just look at Sukja! She looks so happy right now and confident too. I've never seen her look this confident. These ballet lessons were a good idea."

Jimin agreed, he was glad she'd been open to taking ballet classes. It was doing wonders on her confidence. Before this year, Sukja had kind of been a loner and she hadn't seemed able to make friends on her own. She was really shy and would stick close to Jimin and Taehyung all the time. She hated being alone and would cry easily if someone even looked at her in a mean way. Jimin had worried about it and knew she was kind of an outcast in her class because she didn't know who her other father was, and people knew that she was associated with Taehyung, a former rock star. Some would try to get close to her only to get a chance at meeting Taehyung, and others would hate her for knowing someone who was once famous. Some parents would even view her like a rotten spoiled little girl and their beliefs would transfer into their children. They were all wrong though, Sukja was an angel she most certainly wasn't rotten (spoiled... ok maybe).

"It might not all be ballet though, I think the karate class she's taking has helped her gain confidence as well. She was so happy last week when she got her purple belt," Jimin responded.

"I remember," Taehyung replied with a light chuckle.

"Thanks for suggesting it... I know I was hesitant, but I'm glad we put her in it."

"Me too, I know you were scared of her getting hurt, but I think we're both aware if anyone's getting hurt it's the other kids. She's so strong!"

"Hmm, that she is," Jimin hummed in agreement. He hadn't told Taehyung yet, but her being so strong sometimes scared him. By all means, he was happy she was strong and would be able to defend herself, but at times... it reminded him of Jungkook. He didn't want to think his daughter was capable of hurting someone else the way Jungkook had hurt him, but seeing how strong, and sometimes a little merciless she was with her sparring partners scared him. It made him wonder if maybe she could turn out like Jungkook... she was Jungkook's daughter after all, even if she didn't know it.

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