Chapter 5

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*Authors Note* Hi guys! Sorry it's been awhile since I have uploaded, been helping around the house. Hope you all like this chapter, it's a bit short; I had writers block. Enjoy!

Rachel's P.O.V

Harry turns around, shocked.

“Eden is missing? We have to go find her!”

“Well let’s go then!” Harry and I run back towards the beach. We wander around the shoreline yelling Eden’s name. 

“Harry, the sun is setting; we can’t be out here alone.”

“Who cares! We are going to find your friend, you came here with her.” In the distance we hear someone. “Who was that?”

“H-help!!” Harry bolts towards the noise.

“Eden! Where are you!” After Harry gets in vicinity of the person in the water, he yells at me.

“I found her! Go back to the car; I’ll meet up with you!” Being a good girl, I head back the car to wait for Harry.

Harry’s P.O.V

I really hope Eden is okay. I should not have thrown her into the water. Stupid me. I swim out to where I see Eden. I pick her up and walk her onto the shore. I notice that she isn’t breathing! I pull out my phone getting ready to call for emergency. No, Harry. There is no need for this. I lean down and give her mouth-to-mouth. After a few tries she coughs and wakes up.

“Are you alright love?”

“Yeah, thanks for saving me Ra- oh I meant Harry.” She gives me a cute smile and laugh.

“I guess we better walk back.” I hold my elbow out to her. “Shall we?” She links elbows with me and with skip off back to the car. 


“Well, who’s the cute couple now?” Louis says to us. I un-hook my arm from Eden’s.

I start to feel my face blush. “Oh, we’re not a couple.” Louis gives me an obvious wink.

“You two would be cute one Haz.” I give Louis a stern look. But then I notice that Eden has walked over to Rachel. Does she dislike me? I really hope not.

Eden’s P.O.V

After Rachel and I get back our condo, I throw myself onto the couch. “What a day!”

“Yeah! It was really fun! I saw that you and Harry had a good time.”

“Shush, you already know I like him, a lot.”

“Haha, I know, it’s just fun to tease you about it. From my perspective, it seems he kind of likes you to.”

“Nu uh! You don’t know.”

“Really? He practically flirted with you before he picked you up and threw you into the water.”

“That doesn’t mean anything! Let’s drop it, what if he suddenly comes in and hears us!”

“Like that would happen. I’m ready to hit the sack. See you in the morning.” Rachel quickly jogs upstairs. I’m not tired yet, so I guess I’ll watch a movie. Hmm.. I’ll watch Finding Nemo! No Nemo! Don’t go towards the boat! No no no!!! After about an hour and a half of my favorite movie, I head to bed. I recall all the events that happened today. Harry picking me up, saving my life. CRAP! I should have gotten his phone number. Rachel wakes up from me making noises from being mad.

“Eden? Is that you?”

“Yeah, go back to sleep.”

“Uergg.. see ya *Yawn* in the morning.”

Harry’s P.O.V

“So Haz, what was going on between you and Eden.” I slightly blush from hearing her name.

“Oh nothing. We’re just friends’.” Louis playfully grabs my cheeks.

“Awwh! Harry! You fancy her!”

“Okay, I’ll admit that she is rather cute and-“Louis cuts me off.

“Just win her heart! You’re the flirt.”

“I- I don’t think she likes me.”

“I have caught her looking at you tons! It is obvious that she LOVES you.” Niall walks in saying.

“Yeah Harry, when Rachel said that we were going to come here her face turned as red as a cherry. “ I reply back to everyone.

“Really? I’ve never noticed.”

“Well, tomorrow lets’ all meet up somewhere so I can prove that she likes you.”

“I don’t know how well that will work Louis.”

“Trust me; you have Agent Tomlinson on this case.”

“Yes sir.”

----Next Morning---- (Eden’s P.O.V)

I look at the clock to my right, 8:30. Maybe I should wake up now. I slowly get out of bed and head to the shower. After about 20 minutes I have straightened my hair, put on make-up, and picked out my outfit for today. This is what I’ll be wearing: I am in love with this shirt! It is from Maurice’s. Anyways, I walk downstairs and prepare myself a bowl a Cheerios, my favorite cereal. After I finish eating I walk upstairs listening to Somebody That I Used to Know. I peak into Rachel’s room to see her fast asleep. Hehe, I should play a little prank to wake her up. I head into the bathroom and pour some ice cold water into a Dixie cup. I tiptoe back over to her bed and pour water on her face.

“Zzz… AH! That’s really cold!! Why’d you do that?!”

“I wanted to get you up.”

“You could of just said “Rachel get up!”

“That is too boring for me.”

“Whatever.” In a matter of seconds Rachel and I hear our front door open.

“Rachel… who was that?” Suddenly we hear someone yell up to us.

“Rachel! Eden! Where are you?” I yell at Rachel.

“Rachel! Oh my gosh! Who is downstairs!!”  The mysterious person walks upstairs and comes into my room.

“Settle down, it’s only the Nialler!” Rachel and I both sigh of relief.

“Whew.. we thought it was someone trying to break into the place.”

“I did steal a banana if that counts for anything. Anyways would you two like to come to the park with me and the other lads?”

Rachel answers very quickly without me giving input. “Sure, that would be fun! Eden and I will come downstairs in a minute.”

“Okay, take your time ladies.” Niall walks back downstairs. Once he is gone I say to Rachel.

“Is it just me, or do you think Niall is like the messenger who always gets sent to our condo?”

“Yeah, I think it’s kind of funny. Let me grab my purse real fast and we’ll head down.”

“Okay.” After about five minutes of Rachel looking for her purse she starts to get worried.

“Eden?? Have you seen my purse? It has my phone and sunglasses in it.”

“No, the last time I saw it was at One Direction’s flat.”

“Oh. My. Gosh.”

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