Chapter 12

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Hi guys! I have two things. First, I want to give a massive thank you to all of you that has read this story so far and has added it to their reading list. It means alot. Thankss. I'm despretly sorry that it's been FOREVERRR since I have uploaded. My bad D: I didn't forget about you guys! I do though have a great reason. Well it first starts out when I get blue screens of death on my laptop so it decides not to work. So then I leave it alone, because you know techonology hates me sometimes. But then today I turned it on and its working like new! My laptop has a mind of its own.... anyways, I tried to make this chapter longer. Sorry if it's bland, there will be some amusing parts coming up in the next few chapters.

Okay sorry for ranting.

You may now carry on

Enjoy!!! This will be in Eden's P.O.V


Eden's P.O.V

Louis says in a girly tone. “Let’s shop!” I try to keep myself from giggling while Harry fixes his mustache.

“Where do we want to go to first?” I scan my eyes over a few stores. One in particular stands out. Jack Wills. I’ve never heard of Jack Wills before except when I noticed one of Harry’s shirts was from it.

“What is Jack Wills.” Everyone gives me dagger eyes and gasps.

“What! We have to show her Jack Wills guys.” Harry grabs my wrist and pulls me into the store. The cashier greets us.

“Hi! Welcome to Jack Wills, do you need help finding something?”

“We’re just looking, but thank you.” I walk around the store looking for the girls’ section.  While looking through some of the clothing racks and hoodie catches my eye. I take it off the bar and hold it up to myself and look in a mirror. I look really cute in this. I pull out my wallet and count the money I brought. $30. I frown knowing I can’t buy this because its $74. Harry notices me putting the hoodie away.

“Eden, I’ll buy that for you if you don’t have enough.”

“No its fine.”

“No, it’s not, you really like the hoodie. This is my gift to you.” Harry takes the hoodie out of my hand and walks over to the checkout.

“Hi, did you find everything okay?” Harry smiles at me.

“Yes we did.”

“Okay, you have 2 hoodies and 1 pair of boxers, correct?”


“ID please.” Harry pulls out his wallet and shows the cashier his ID. She takes a second look at it. “Y-your Harry Styles. My daughter is a big fan, do you mind signing this for her?”

“I would love too.” He gives the cashier a cheeky smile. “What is her name?”


“That’s a pretty name, here you go ma’am.”

“Thanks, and here is your bag Harry.”

“Thank you, have a wonderful day!”

“You to!” Harry and I walk out of the store to meet up with the other lads.

“Where to next?”

“I don’t know, where’s Rachel?”

“I think she went to the toilet.”

“Let’s wait so we don’t lose her.” While waiting I look over at Louis. I notice a small, blue Tiffany&Co bag in his purse. I wonder what he bought. Maybe it’s for Rachel. That would be so sweet if Louis bought her jewelry.

Rachel’s P.O.V

Ah the hand soap in this bathroom smells so good! After washing my hands I dry them off with the disposable paper. I pick my purse up and walk out of the bathroom to meet up with everyone.

“I’m back! Where do we want to go to now?” Niall rubs his stomach.

“I don’t know; let’s map out a few stores on the way to the food court because I’m getting hungry.”

“Sounds good.” All of us walk over to the map of the mall. We choose 4 stores to go to. After shopping around a bit, every body’s arms are filled with bags.  Eden and I make our way into the food court first and pick somewhere to sit. Once everyone got settled Niall went up and ordered us a large pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and extra cheese. “Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn, me and Eden have something to say.”

“What is it?”

“Well, I don’t know if we have told you guys but Eden and I leave to go back home in 3 days.” All four of their eyes bulge open in shock. Harry almost chokes on his water.

“What! You can’t leave!” I feel a lump rise in my throat.

“I’m sorry; we have had such a fun time. You guys’ are like my best friends now.” Right in the middle of sadness Niall smiles proudly while coming back with the pizza.

“Pizza is here! Let’s ea- what’s wrong lads. Did I miss something?” Niall suddenly starts to look upset. Louis explains it all to him. “Oh, I see. Let’s eat then we can go home.”

“Ok.” Everyone grabs two or three pieces of pizza. On the other hand, Niall grab five. “Jeez Niall!? Where does it all go.”

“Haha, I don’t know.” About 20 minutes later we are all back at One Direction’s flat. Eden and I grab our things from the living room and head back to our condo.


“Rachel, Harry and Louis looked really upset.”

“I know I almost started crying then and there.” I look over at the clock. “It’s 9:30, we had a long day, see you in the morning Eden.”

“Good night.”

---Later That Night---(Niall’s P.O.V)

Right now I am eating Louis’ carrots. Hehe, I hope he doesn’t notice. I flip the TV to a different channel while taking a bite out of my carrot. CSI is on, I just watch this.

“Hey Nialler.”

“Hi Lou.” Louis walks from the hallway to the fridge.

“I am hungry!” Louis taps his chin while thinking. “What should I eat? Carrots, yes..” Oh no. I look down at my hand then quickly jet my eyes over to the counter. The bag of carrots is empty. I shove the rest of the carrot into my mouth and swallow. Suddenly Louis has a stern tone in his voice.

“Where the hell are my carrots! Niall!”

“Uh.. I don’t know.” Louis looks at me with the “Oh you’re gonna pay” look. He then picks up the empty plastic bag and throws it into the garbage. I turn the TV off while Louis walks towards me. I jump off the couch and start running. “HARRY! HELP! LOUIS IS TRYING TO HURT ME!” Louis is going to kill me for eating his carrots. Harry where are you when I need ya! “Harry!!!” Harry suddenly opens his bedroom door and walks out into the hallway.

“What’s going on here?”

“Louis is trying to molest me!”

“I am not! You ate my last carrot!”

“There was nothing else to eat!”

“Eat the ice from the freezer! You owe me carrots!” Louis stops running, crosses his arms, and pouts.  I shrug from feeling guilty.

“Louis I’m sorry.” I walk over to him getting ready to pat his arm when all of a sudden he looks at me with amusement.

“Niall! I have a great idea!”

“What is it?”

“Let’s play quickfire!”

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