Chapter 19

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Authors Note~ Hey guys! How are all of you? Hope all is wonderful!! Last night I got 4 bluescreens in a row.. my computer is messed up.. LOL Hope you guys like this chapter!

Lots and lots of love!

~Rachel xx




After the Concert (Rachel’s P.O.V)




“That was an amazing show! You guys were great!” I say while walking into the dressing room in Louis’ strong arms.  Harry plops Eden on their black futon and takes a drink of his water.

“Thank you, it was wonderful to see all the fans that came tonight.” Harry says while sitting down on the couch next to Eden. After a few minutes of dead silence Liam speaks up.

“Oh my gosh!” Harry and Eden stare at Liam.

“What? We’re trying to rest!”

“We should play a game! Like Mario Bros!” Eden groans.

“We don’t feel like playing.. it’s nap time and my back hurts.” Liam walks up to Eden, gets on his knees and gives his puppy dog eyes.


“Uuuggghhh! Ask someone else, I’m going to nap.” Liam walks over to Louis to talk to me.

“Do you two want to play?” I look up at Louis and begin talking to Liam.

“Nah, I-“ Louis interrupts.

“Yeah! We will play! This is gonna be so much fun!!!!” I give Louis a glare. Liam, Louis, and I walk over to the TV and get the game set up. Louis puts me on the ground and sits next to me, while handing me a controller.

“Thanks.” Louis smiles at me.

“Welcome.” Liam inserts the game disk into the Wii, grabs his controller and sits down next to us on a bean bag chair.


“Come on Rachel! You’re such a slow-poke” Louis says.

“Says the one who dies every 5 minutes.” I stick my tongue out at him.

That One Summer *A One Direction fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now