Chapter 31

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Surprise surprise! Another early update! Wooo! Once school starts, I might not be able to update as often, so I'm doing a whole bunch of new chapters. So I might just update once or twice a week, something like that. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Love you all! xx




Eden's P.O.V




“Surprise!” Harry says with his signature cheeky grin.

“Surprise, surprise.” Rachel mumbles. “Why are you here?”

“We uh- wanted to visit you guys.” Louis says while walking out of the closet.

“Why didn’t anyone tell me!” Rachel pouts, throwing her hands up into the air.

“It was supposed to be a surprise.” I state while motioning my hands to come downstairs. They all follow me and we sit on the floor.




Rachel’s P.O.V




I walk downstairs with Eden, Harry, and Louis. We all plop down onto the carpeted floor. Why didn’t anyone tell me? This would have turned out better if I knew. We all sit in a circle with me sitting right across from Louis. He gives me a smirk. Oh that killer smirk. I wish I could just pounce on him... wait what? I watch Louis slip off his jacket. Those biceps. I lick my lips from the amusement. He gives me a smile. Why is he so charmin- Rachel STOP!! You are in a relationship.

“I know what we should do…” Harry says with a mysterious tone.

“What?” I question him.

“Let’s play 7 minutes.”

“I-In heaven?” I ask with a worried tone. Harry leans over and whispers in Louis’ ear. They both nod.

“Yes.” Harry says approvingly. “I’ll go call the boys.” Harry stands up and pulls out his phone. “You guy’s should come over Eden’s house, we’re playing a fun game. Okay, cool.” Harry slips his phone into his pocket and sits back in the circle. “They all should be here soon.”


“Whaddup whaddup!” Niall yells while coming in the door, with Liam and Zayn following behind. The rest of the boys walk over and sit in the circle which now has a bottle in the middle.

“Spin the bottle?” Zayn questions while sitting next to Liam.

“Nope better, 7 minutes in heaven.” Harry answers.

“I’m out; I’m going to go skype Dani.” Liam stands up and walks into the kitchen. So that just leaves me, Eden, Harry, Louis, Niall, and Zayn. Oh fun.

“Let’s make this a little more fun, let’s use blindfolds on the person who spins the bottle.” Harry suggests while grabbing a piece of black fabric. Eden you go first.” Harry ties the fabric over Eden’s eyes, making her blind. She reaches for the bottle and spins it. It points to Niall. Harry stands up with Niall and whispers in his ear. Niall nods. Harry grabs Eden’s hand and walks her into the closet whilst Niall stands outside of it.

That One Summer *A One Direction fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now