Not even Friendzoned

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Why can't she see, that he's the evil one in the story?
I'd give her my heart,
I'd give her my soul,
But her love for him just never gets cold.

Cupid did me wrong,
when he made me love yah
Wanting to squeeze and hug yah
Yeah, but I'm dying.

And I'm trying and trying to just get over yah,
To stop thinking about yah.
But my heart is really stubborn
And she doesn't really care.

Should I just give up?
Leave while the battle's in session?
No, or probably yes.
Trust the heart they shout on one hand and
Use the head shouts the others.

Caught in love's battle field
Is the worst feeling possible
But wait, what am I really doing here? 
She didn't even place me in the friendzone,
Instead she's the one I'm in combat with, not him.

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