Day-Night Mockery

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The quiet moon-night mocks me.
Its silence is so loud it screams out my woes
And then it mocks me.
Its darkness sheds light on my insecurities
And all my emotional instabilities
And then it mocks me again.

The sun won't evaporate my issues
Nor will they be drifted away in the breeze.
For the daylight brings all kinds of hope
For the birds, and fishes and trees.
I never understood and I too once had hope
But now,  like the night,  daylight also mocks me.

The rains are like burning dissapointments
That showers my pains and my hurt. 
Splashing down upon my lowly bent head
Not refreshing,  but a drowning alert.
And during the rain both day and night
Its darkness and light that mocks me.

The stars can't outnumber my problems
Nor the clouds or the waves in the sea.
Daylight is close and darkness a ghost
And the rain still falls mockingly.
But what I've come to realise the most
Is that all my life I've also been mocking me.

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