The Lucky Feather

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Once there was a feather who landed on a tree
And made its way to the trunk.
Said the trunk to the feather, "you're a really lucky fella, you get to see the things that I don't."

-"I get to see the things that you don't?"

"Yes the skies, and more trees, the fishes in the seas, you get to see the things that I don't".

The feather gave a chuckle and flew off in the wind and landed on a patch of dried hay.
Said the hay to the  feather, " you're a really lucky fella,
You are living the life that I want."

- "I am living the life that you want?"

"Yes you're free to roam the air, and people stick you in their hair, you are living the life that I want".

Another wind came and the feather flew again, this time to a an old concrete block.
Said the block to the fella, "I wish I was a feather, you do not have a hard life".

- "I don't have a hard life?"

"You don't! I was crushed and stomped, compressed and glumped, you do not have a hard life".

Later that day the feather blew away, now to a running stream. The stream was soothing and quiet and relaxing so now the feather began to complain.

Said the feather to the stream, "I'm alone and always floating and I don't have any friends."

Said the stream to the feather, "stop whinning little fella you don't know what I go through. I hate these fishes and weeds, no one respects me, I rather be free and lonely like you".

Now by some circumstance the little feather flew to France where he met a warm old stooge. The stooge became his friend so the feather complained again but this time about those he met before.

The stooge had an idea, a mystical idea to turn the guys into feathers. He read a few inscriptions, and mixed a nude concoction and some how it magically worked.

The tree trunk was now a feather
A thick and bushy fella
And my oh my oh was he pleased.
But one day during winter he flew into a fire and melted away like gee.

Now the hay was really happy
As a feather oh so happy
He finally got the freedom he sought.
He then flew to Antarctica to see the great winter.
And is still frozen there as we talk. 

Oh yes and the stream, the sweet relaxing stream
Did gain respect as a beautiful feather. She spent her days enjoying the sky but one day descended on a lovely Cow Pie and that was the end of her reign.

Not forgetting the concrete block!

Of course the block became a feather
And enjoyed an easy life. He had a daughter a son and a wife. But tragedy struck again for they were feathers on a hen who was featured on a show called Lunch.

The feather and the stooge obviously had no clue, so they enjoyed the rest of their life. Being themselves in the company of each other with hardly anything to do.

Wait, Now to think of it this feather was indeed a really lucky fella!

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