4. Dance

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"Is everyone ready?" The voice bounced off the red walls of the gym. The sound of shoes squeaking on the ugly green floor accompanied the voice. 

The gym was devided into five areas, their bounderies marked by colored tape on the floor. The man in the front of the gym looked down at the groups. His assistant had brought him a small table to stand on, and he used a crappy microphone with only one sound box to reach the ears of the people in the room. He could easily make out the group leaders, as they all wore a ribbon in the color of their group.

The group closest to the 'stage' was the green one. Their leader wearing his ribbon around his head. He looked around over confident, trying to make eye contact with people to get them to look at him and aknowledge how awesome he was. Most people just looked away quickly as they made eye contact, as they didn't want to deal with the arrogant Canadian. 

The group leader of the Purple Group was chatting animatedly with one of the group members. His purple ribbon was bound tightly around his thin upper arm. The purple a good match with his tanned skin. The front of his worn-out T-shirt showed the image of three kawaii little hamsters, doing some sort of dance. The man was pretty sure hamster couldn't make such movements, but seeing as the image had slightly faded because it was washed too many times, he decided the black haired Taiwanese liked the shirt very much.

Then his eyes trailed to the Red Group. Their leader, Georgi, standing awkwardly on the side of their area. He had heavy make-up under his eyes. The man thought it didn't look to appealing, but well. Georgi's girlfriend had just cheated on him, and he wasn't quite over it yet. He had chosen to dance on the song 'A Tales of Sleeping Prince' which fitted his heartbroken mood.

The Pink Group's leader looked very confident. He stood in the middle of his area, all the people around them talking to one another, but he didn't converse. His Pink ribbon was bound around his wrist, the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up. His jeans a bit too tight, and the first three buttons on his shirt unbuttoned. The man thought Chris radiated off pure sexiness. It made him slightly uncomfortable.

Then he looked at the last group, next to the Pink Group, the Golden Group. It had originally been the Blue Group, but their platinum haired leader had insisted on leading the Golden Group. The man, who didn't like discussions very much, had just given in. The platinum haired man was now wearing a golden ribbon around his muscular upper arm.  It quite suited him, the gold. It looked nice against his pale skin, fitted with his silver-like hair, and made his piercing blue eyes sparkle even more. He looked very, very appealing. And even thought the man wasn't attracted to other men, he could say he liked to look at the Russian. 

In a few minutes the first group will walk through the door. Then the second, third, fourth and fifth group will walk out of the gym, with a minutes between each group. They will all act as people just shopping in the mall. Three minutes after the last group had walked away, music would start, blaring through the boxes in the mall. The Purple Group would start their performance, dancing on 'Terra Incognita', when their song ended the next would start until every group finished their dance then the show would be over. The man was very excited, they had prepared their flashmob for a few months and it had turned out amazing. In just a few minutes it will all start.

Victor bended over to make sure his shoes were tied tightly. There was nothing more irritating than too loosely tied shoelaces.  

He got back up and saw Christophe eyeing his butt. He rolled his eyes. Chris just chuckled. 

"How can you even dance in those pants?" Chris said, with a teasing look in his eyes. "I am surprised it hasn't ripped already."

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