6. Angels

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>>First of all, sorry for the long wait. Second, I split this chapter into two because I didn't want you to wait any longer and it was just too long. I'll probably publish the other half of this thing somewhere this week (bless winter break). 

Here are some things you need to know: Yuuri is an angel, angels live in a place in the clouds called Heaven.  Just like a country is named Germany or whatever. So, angels are all siblings and God is their Father, He created them. Angels don't feel emotions like humans because they were meant to be unprejudiced and impartial at all times. 

There are also demons, they are always lead by their emotions, mostly the negative ones. Then there are humans, they don't know angels and demons exist. They are not 'good' or 'bad', they are often lead by their emotions but also know how to hide them. One of the biggest crimes for an angel is to get their emotions involved. It doesn't matter if it is in a bad or good way, emotions cause trouble. 

Angels have a soulmate, only because of the war with demons so many were killed that it is almost impossible that your soulmate has survived. Angels don't have a body like humans do. They can be seen in every form possible, but they are usually humans with big white wings. 

I can't think of anything else right now.<<

His head hit the ground first. All the air got knocked out of him.

Wait, ground?

He wasn't supposed to be here. Wasn't supposed to be laying on the ground, wings painfully folded beneath him. He had to get up again. Couldn't be seen.

How do I stand again?

He couldn't remember. Couldn't remember how to fly. How to spread his wings.

Oh God, my wings.

He didn't feel them anymore. He tried to open his eyes. They were sealed. He couldn't hear anything except for the rushing of the blood in his ears.

He told himself to get control over his body and mind again.

Just breathe.

Slowly, he heaved in a breath, willing his lungs to calm down and take the much needed oxygen. His senses calmed down, somewhat. He could faintly hear the rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds. He told himself not to panic about how close these sounds were. About how vast the ground under him felt. He willed himself to not panic about the fact that he didn't feel the softness of the clouds he lived on. That he couldn't feel the sun's rays anymore.

When he could hear again he focused on opening his eyes. It was dark, darker than he was used to. He lay underneath a green roof. He could see the sky through openings in the roof. The roof seemed to move. He wished this was all a dream. That he was back at the clouds, his brothers and sisters surrounding him, God watching over them.

Instead, he was forced to feel the way his wings screamed in pain. How it seemed as if every single feather was broken.

I need to get away.

He needed to go. What if someone saw him? He needed to get back up. To get home.

He didn't dare to move his wings as he cautiously moved his legs. His wings screamed again as he moved a muscle in his back. He clenched his teeth. He had to keep going.

Trying to turn around he felt the soft grass beneath him. He moved his legs and tried to twist his upper body by using his arms. His left wing seemed to be burning. He tried to ignore is as best as possible.

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