7. Angels (Part 2)

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>>Here is part 2! In the last part I forgot to mention that angels speak every language. They can even talk to animals, that's why Yuuri could talk to Makkachin last time. Also, angels don't eat, that's why Victor is always eating alone. There is probably a lot more I need to tell you, but I just sat in a car for 12 hours with 3 breaks. My brain feels dead. Anyway, enjoy this loong chapter!<<

It had been two weeks since Victor had found Yuuri. Yuuri's wings were completely healed again, and he had the opportunity to go back, but he realized he didn't want to. Sure, he would love to see his Father and siblings again, but two things had changed.

One, he had kissed a human. And angels could never, under no circumstances have that kind of relationship with a human. He knew the consequences. Most angels got cast out. No one knew exactly what happened to them. Just that they disappeared, and were never seen again. This is why him and his brothers and sisters never got involved in anything that had to do with humans.

And atop of the kiss, he had let Victor touch his feathers. The special feathers. No doubt did these feathers now smell like him. His Father would be able to smell the human on him. He had given his purity to a human. It was true he was afraid of how his Father would react to all this.

An two, he, an angel, meant to not be lead by his feelings, considered abandoning his family for a human. Of course, an extremely beautiful, caring, sweet human. But a human nonetheless.

Yuuri was always told to stay away from humans, humans, they told him, were nothing but greedy creatures. They took an took, never gave. He had always believed this, never once doubted his older brothers and sisters. But now, he didn't understand how they could have ever said something like that. He thought humans were beautiful. He loved how their emotions showed in the expression on their face. He loved their emotions.

Emotions were something he had never really understood. He knew about love and hate. And that like and love were different things. You like pizza, or clothes. But you love you family and children.

He loved Victor.

Victor had teached him what it meant to love. And be loved. Victor had teached him how to love.

And that was a favor he could never really repay him. So he decided to do it by doing the thing he was now most proud of.

He would repay him by loving him.

He would love Victor like Victor had teached him. His love would only grow as he learned new ways to love. And maybe, if he was lucky, Victor would love him back just as much.


They lay on the grass in Victor backyard. The small green strands tickled Yuuri's soft skin and felt amazing against his feathers.

Yuuri lay on his side, facing Victor. His wings lag behind him, softly reflecting the moon's light. They shone a perfect white. Yuuri was proud of how pretty his wings were, he wanted to show Victor he had the most beautiful feathers. He wanted Victor to only love him.

Victor lay on his back, he had turned his head and looked Yuuri in the eyes. Victor's eyes seemed to be challenging the stars with the way they sparkled. Yuuri thought the stars were nothing compared to the shining diamonds in front of him.

Clouds slowly drifted in and out of their vision. Not making a sound as they continued their journey.

Victor shifted so his body now completely faces Yuuri's. He lifted his hand and softly tucked a strand of Yuuri's dark hair behind his ear.

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