8. Angels (END)

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>>So the last chapter might've been a bit long. Maybe too long. I don't know. I started writing and that happened. To everyone who has finished it: you are golden.

Anyways, here is the last chapter from the 'Angels' story. It's shorter than the other two, I hope that's okay.<<

Yuuri could feel the heavy stare of every angel in the room. They all looked at him, wondering what it was that he had to say. Wondering what had happened to him, to their brother. It felt like a huge weight. A weight he needed to lose.

He didn't let it get to him, though. Or at least, he tried to not let it get to him. It was hard to ignore 200 pairs of eyes weighing him down.

He closed his eyes. Ignoring all his brothers and sisters as he tried to reach out to all the feelings Victor had teached him. The hate, sadness, disappointment, but most of all, the love. He remembered, no felt it. Felt the fluttering of his heart, how it seemed to soar in his chest. Weightless. For love had filled it, and love was weightless.

Love was the most complex feeling, it came in differents forms. It could drag someone down to deepest, darkest parts of their soul. It could ruin everything. Destroy even the littlest glimpse of hope. Crush your heart and smash it to pieces. It could do all that, and sometimes it did. But not with Yuuri. It had been the greatest thing to ever happen to him. It had colored his world. Gave everything so much more meaning.

He opened his eyes. A fire had started within the brown eyes. A passionate fire, a fire full of love. Ready to burn down everything that came between him and his love.

"Please, tell us what happened to you, my child." God's voice wasn't mean, or accusing, but it wasn't exactly kind either.

"I..." He looked around the room. At all his brothers and sisters. Wondering if they could love him after hearing this. "I fell in love."

These four simple words, ruined everything.

At first nothing happened. Everybody was quiet. No one dared to make a sound. Yuuri's eyes never left his Father's. He wouldn't show any weakness.

God just stared at him.

"I fell in love," Yuuri said again. "With a man. An ordinary man."

Then Minami's small voice traveled through the heavy quiet. "Y-Yuuri?" The little boy took a few steps toward Yuuri.

Yuuri looked at his brother. His strong exterior faltered at the shocked, and disappointed look on the young face. He wished he didn't have to disappoint the younger angel. He looked at Minami, the pain of hurting his brother evident in his eyes.

Minami took another step in Yuuri's direction, and for a moment Yuuri felt the urge to run toward him, wrap his arms around the small frame and tell him it wasn't true. That Yuuri still was the angel everyone expected him to be. But he wasn't. And there wasn't anything he could do about it.

Pichit stepped up next to Minami. He placed a hand on the younger boy's shoulders and gently pulled him back into the crowd. But Minami shook Pichit's hands off his shoulder. "No! This isn't Yuuri! It- it can't be."

"Minami..." Pichit started.

"No! Let go, Pichit!" Minami had tears in his eyes. Pichit only tightened his grip on the young boy. Minami's wings hung low from his shoulders. His body jerked with the force of the tears. "It can't be."

Pichit wrapped his arms around Minami and folded his wings around him in a protective manner. He whispered calming phrases as he pulled Minami back in the crowd. Yuuri had to tear his eyes away from the scene. His heart ached, but he swallowed the heavy feeling down and faced his Father again.

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