5. Birthday, Baby

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>>Happy birthday to the most precious smolbean known to men! Aka, Katsuki Yuuri. I really hope you enjoy this oneshot, even though it's almost november 30th were I live..<<

Makkachin woke up from the gentle sound of rain tapping against the window. He perked his ears. Too lazy to actually lift his head from his fluffy paws.

He opened his big poodle eyes and looked at the small drops of rain running down the glass. He could hear the wind slapping the branches of the trees surrounding Yu-topia, against the thin walls. He wasn't looking forward to his walk if it meant walking in this weather. Because, he was a dog, no savage.

He heard a small groan coming from the bed on the other side of the room. The silver head of his owner rose above the bed sheets. He absentmindedly patted the sheets, indicating for the fluffy poodle to climb up. 

Makkachin stood up, stretched his sleepy limbs and walked over to the bed. He placed his front paws on the edge of the bed, searching for a nice spot to lay down. His owner and his fiance lay entangled underneath the sheets. 

Makkachin swayed his tail from side to side, happy at the soft snores coming from the black mop of hair. Victor had turned around, and was already sleeping. Makkaching yipped and jumped on the bed.

He stamped around on the soft sheets, looking for the right spot. Then his eyes fell on the soft blanket Yuuri had laid at his feet. He let out a small yip of delight and marched over to it, uncaring of the limbs he stepped on. 

Victor groaned and reached his hand out for the brown poodle, his eyes still closed. Makkachin looked at the hand, considering walking over to it and earning a few pets. But he decided the blanket was more comfortable and settled down. He felt Yuuri's feet underneath all the layers of blankets and sighed happily. 

He placed his head on his soft paws and closed his eyes. Victor had dropped his hand and his breathing had evened out, indicating that the Russian man had fallen back asleep. Makkachin relaxed and let himself fall into a light sleep. 

The sound of Welcome To The Madness shouted through the silent of the morning. Yuuri shot up in his bed, eyes blinking rapidly trying to find the source of the awfully loud noise. It took a few moments before his sleepy brain saw the screen of his smartphone lighting up on his bedside table. 

Victor groaned and turned around to look at him with half closed eyes. Makkachin lifted his head from his paws, ears perked up. 

Yuuri picked the annoying device up and placed it against his ears, rubbing at his eyes with fisted hands. "Hello?" His voice still unsteady and lower than usual from the sleep. 

He yawned and pulled his bed sheet higher. Victor turned to lay on his chest and put his arm around Yuuri's thighs. 


Yuuri flinched. The boy on the other side of the line had spoken just a bit too loud and angry for his sensitive ears. "Yurio. Why are you calling?" He yawned again.

Yuri made a tch sound before answering. "It's your birthday, pig." Yuuri thought he could hear the low sound of Otabek's voice, Yuri hissed something in return. 

"Ah, thanks Yurio! I didn't think you would remember my birthday," Yuuri yawned again.

"Did you and old man stay up late last night? You keep yawning, it's annoying as fuck," Yurio said grumpily. Otabek murmed something again. 

Yuuri just smiled, patting Victor's silver head. "Hmm, no. I actually just woke up." 

Victor murmered something and lifted his head to look at Yuuri. "What's going on?" 

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