★Ryan Special Ending

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I create a spacing in my room and Ryan and I sat on the floor opposite each other with a empty bottle in the center.

We we're playing 'spine the bottle.' While asking truth or dear questions.

With a bit of alcohol in our body we were laughing our heads off. It was my turn to spine the bottle. I spine it, as it goes around it became slower then stop. I look at Ryan.

"Truth or Dear?" I asked.

"Dear." He said.

"Go grab a broom and do your best tango,"

Ryan walk out the room and came back with a broom.

I giggled.

"Start the music." Ryan said in a deep voice.

"Lala...... Lalalalaaaaa....lala..lalala." I start to sing in a beat of a tango sound.

Ryan grab the broom and start dancing. Couldn't hold in my laughter anymore. I collapse on the floor laughing.

He stop dancing, and start laughing, "Am...sorry....I... Can't... Tango." He said in between laugh.

"You...still..pass." I laugh and continue, "The... way the....you held the broom....it's like you're a pro.."

"What's her name?" I ask

"Broomisha." Ryan said.

I held on to my stomach, "Broomisha?"

"Yes and I'll have you know that she's the slimmest of them all." Ryan laugh.

I laugh even harder.

"Okay let's continue," Ryan said

Ryan spine the bottle, it came to a stop on me,

"Truth or Dear."

"Dear." I said still laughing.

"Are you sure?" He said.

I look at him my smile disappear,
"Give me your best dear."

He think for a while, then spoke,

"Call one of your parents and tell him/her that they're grounded. Also you have to give a reason why."

"You're on." I said

I walk over and pick up my phone and dial my mom number, putting it on speaker I rest it between Ryan and I.

Linda pick up her phone,


I swallow hard, "Hello." I look at Ryan who had his hand fold.

(I wasn't going to back out now.)

"Yes dear."

"You're grounded for leaving your daughter alone at home by herself."

"Mom is that you?" I heard Linda ask.

Both me and Ryan look at the phone in disbelief.

(Was Linda drunk?")

"Mom am to old for you to tell me what to do." Linda continue.

"Bye." I hung up the phone.

"What just happen?" Ryan ask laughing. "Did she taught you was her mother?"

I laugh, "I don't know. But I know this am not doing that again."

I then grab the bottle, spinning it. It landed on me again.

"Truth or Dear?"


"Would you play the 21 question game with me?" He ask.

I saw this as an invitation for another game.



My Childhood Love ||Spin-off||Kaniya×Ryan||COMPLETED||Where stories live. Discover now