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me: hey

@real__pcy: y r u still texting me

me: i want you to know that ur hot

@real__pcy: wTF

me: get prenked
me: hey
me: that wuz joke chill chill
me: where'd u go

@real__pcy: ur weird as fuk


@real__pcy: isn't that hoseok from class A-1

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@real__pcy: isn't that hoseok from class A-1

me: idk my friends send me these things and i save them

@real__pcy: oH mY GOD

me: what???

@real__pcy: YOU HAVE FRIENDS?!?!

me: no shit bro leave me alone

@real__pcy: gottago

me: see ya in class ;))

seen by @humpitydumpity

i stuffed my phone in my pocket and grabbed my backpack, leaving the house.


i arrived at school and silently sat down in my first period. i was about to put in my earphones until i heard someone (noisily) sit down next to me. i looked up and was greeted by a grinning face.

"hey you!" he pointed at me and i turned around to make sure no one was behind me.

i tilted my head in response.

"you-you..." he paused like he didn't know what to say. "have no friends."


i raised my eyebrows. "and?"

"i'm sorry that came out very rude. you see, i just transferred here and i have no friends, and you're always alone, so why don't we become friends?" the boy held out his hand and i examined his face.

he had nice medium-ish hair, with big and long eyes. a small nose and big lips. but the cutest thing of all was the curve of his mouth when he spoke or smiled. how charming.

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