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"who are you?"

a small lady was standing in the doorway.

i stood up immediately and bowed.

"oh! eomma your back! where's dad?" minseok cheered.

"he's have a friend over? you've made friends already?" minseok's mom asked.

"yup! her name is min gaeun, she's in most of my classes and she's really smart."

hearing that brought a wrinkly smile to minseok's mothers face. "very nice to meet you. i was worried minseokie wouldn't make any friends."

"it's very nice to meet you!" i said and bowed to her again.

"don't worry about it. feel comfortable! you can call me mrs. kim." she said. "would you like dinner? did you eat?"

i shook my head. "ah, no! i ate already but thank you. i also have to go now since it's getting late."

"bye gaeun!" minseok said.

"bye! goodbye mrs. kim!" i said as i walked out the door.

"she's a nice girl minseok! do you like her?" i heard mrs. kim ask.

"i mean, i really like-" i heard minseok start, but by then i was too far away from the house to hear the rest of their conversation.

i was walking back home, and that's when i realized my phone had been buzzing constantly in pocket and took it out after i entered my house.

@real__pcy: hi
@real__pcy: hey
@real__pcy: youuyuuyuuai
@real__pcy: you haven't been replying lately :,(
@real__pcy: i wonder what ur doing
@real__pcy: im bored so that's why im messaging u
@real__pcy: I've been abandoned :,(
sent at 5 p.m.


@real__pcy: hmph

me: i was at a friends house

@real__pcy: you
@real__pcy: YOU HAVE FRIENDS?!?!?!

me: yup and now im blocking u

@real__pcy: jkjkjkjwjdijadjjw just kidding

me: aren't we friends?? :((

@real__pcy: no
@real__pcy: you're just a nobody who decided to message me

me: fine im leaving

@real__pcy: why did u message me? u always avoid the answer when I ask

me: bc
me: i like u

@real__pcy: haha

me: ...

@real__pcy: really?
@real__pcy: so u created this troll acc bc u have a crush on me??

me: i don't like u
me: gEt prenked

@real__pcy: uh huh
@real__pcy: most girls say that

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