like love

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chanyeol and i walked side by side, along han river, my favorite spot in seoul. it was romantic when you were with someone else, and relaxing.

"6 months." chanyeol said. "since we figured out we liked each other."

i nodded at his statement.

we came to a stop and he turned to me. "don't you think..."

i cocked my head to the side. "think?" even though i knew what he was going to say.

"we should be officially together?" he asked.

i grinned, but said nothing else.

"min gaeun, would you, like to be my girlfriend?" chanyeol asked.

i wasn't much shocked at all by his question, as i was thinking the same thing long ago. "of course. how could i say no?"

chanyeol smiled brightly and brought out a box with two necklaces in it. they were tiny gold bars with the initials of mine and his on them. we wore each other initials on our necks.

"and..." chanyeol said.

there's something else?

i looked up and our faces were surprisingly close. the blood rushed to my face.

our lips involuntarily parted and i felt his soft lips on mine. a happy feeling came to my stomach, and i smiled when we parted.

i immediately felt embarrassed. "that was so uncalled for!!"

chanyeol chuckled. "it was the right time, right?"

i hesitatingly nodded just because it was a bit embarrassing.

"we'll be doing a lot of that from now on, so you should get used to it." chanyeol said.

i rolled my eyes. "not with me you won't." i said, obviously sarcastic.

"fine then." chanyeol said, testing me.

"just kidding, it better fucking be only with me!"

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