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park chanyeol blinked once. twice. thrice. 456173819392939 times until he opened his mouth, and left it there.

i chuckled. "sorry to disappoint you."

chanyeol immediately turned around and slapped his forehead. "shit...i said all those things about min gaeun to her and turns out she's actually min gaeun whatthefuckifuckedupshit." he muttered to himself and finally turned around.

"i probably should've told you earlier?" i asked sheepishly.

"no shit! i can't believe you're actually humpitydumpity, the memelord who kept on messaging me." chanyeol breathed.

"you like me don't you?" i asked cockily.

"nope! i-i was juuuuust joking of course!" chanyeol blushed.

"it's okay, you already know why i messaged you in the first place."

"wait wHy?" chanyeol asked, testing me. "i guess i forgot." he really wasn't. he just wanted to hear me say that i liked him.

"i guess i forgot too." i said.

chanyeol sighed. "it's like you're two different people in one body."

i shrugged.

"but you're really her?!?! fucking-gah!" chanyeol grabbed his hair. "this is so embarrassing."

i laughed. "you should be glad it's me."

"i mean-i guess i kinda am." chanyeol said. "but you talk like a machine online, and you're like so quiet in real life."

i shrugged again. "maybe it's a phase bro."

"you really put me through a roller coaster. i couldn't sleep for weeks because i felt like i was being stalked by an online troll who kept messaging me weird pictures." chanyeol said. "anyways..." he trailed off.


"so you me, we like each other, so...?"


chanyeol face palmed. "never mind."

i laughed. "i'm just playing. but let's take it slow, i'm not fond of jumping into things and crap."

chanyeol nodded. "i was thinking you'd say that. i'm glad."

i smiled. "now that you basically confessed your feelings to me in front of my father, should we get home now?"

chanyeol realized what i said and immediately turned around, bowing 90 degrees. "i apologize sir! but your daughter is in great hands, i will treat her well and protect her with my life sir." he saluted, and then bowed again.

i chuckled. "see appa? i'm finally getting my life started again. thank you for staying with me, and don't worry too much. i will be going now, goodbye appa, saranghae."

chanyeol silently walked beside me, casually swinging his arms around. a warm hand suddenly grasped my hand, and i looked down to me and chanyeol's intertwined fingers, raising an eyebrow.

"the first step of our relationship." chanyeol said, swinging our arms.

"you're being cheesy." i replied.

"no. i'm being boyfriend material." chanyeol said, which made my face scrunch up.

"it's only been the first day, dumbo."

"that means many more to go."

i chuckled.


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