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@real__pcy: hey do u like me

me: no y

@real__pcy: y else would u text me

me: bc I wuz bored

@real__pcy: aka u have no life

me: hey I didn't ask u to keep talking to me but u r

@real__pcy: uh huh
@real__pcy: one day i'll find ur real acc

me: u can try

@real__pcy: i found the girl's name btw

me: ?

@real__pcy: something gaeun

oH shit does he like me?? he was talking about me the whole time nsjxjsj

me: o i kno her

@real__pcy: oh u do?

me: ya dw I won't tell her

@real__pcy: the funny thing is i thought she was u and then i asked her and she was confused and everything then I felt dumb

me: rekt

@real__pcy: and she said that u must like me

me: nop

@real__pcy: uh huh

me: ya

@real__pcy: maybe if u would talk to me in person you'd have a chance

me: no i wouldn't lolol

@real__pcy: we can be bffs

me: no

@real__pcy: o yah and i stole ur minseok u we're talking abt earlier

me: i hate u

@real__pcy: he's a cool guy
@real__pcy: very adorbs

me: stop being gay he's mine

@real__pcy: i am not
@real__pcy: I think gaeun likes him too :/

me: why do u like her anyways

@real__pcy: I don't like her
@real__pcy: i am merely only interested in her

me: aka u like her

@real__pcy: u jealous?

me: y would i be jealous lol

@real__pcy: cuz u like me

me: uh huh



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