Chapter 5- Collecting

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"Mommy..." You feel your hand shake.
  "Hmph- what?" You rub your eyes and sit up.
"Mommy, I had a bad dream..." Callie whispers, you look over beside you and then back at Callie.
  "Come here munchkin-" you reach to pick her up, she lays down in the middle of you and Cas, she pulls the covers up to her chin and looks at you.
  "Better?" You whisper to her, she nods.
"Mommy, when are the dreams gonna stop?" She asks you, you slide her hair behind her ear and kiss the top of her head.
  "Soon, monkey... Soon.". She closes her eyes and begins to fall back asleep.


The next morning after you wake up, Callie was still fast asleep in your bed, sprawled out across one side.
You groggily walk downstairs to Sam and Dean drinking coffee at the table and Cas in the office typing intensely on the computer.
You grab a mug and sit down beside your brothers.
"Little one still asleep?" Dean asks, you nod while sipping your coffee.
"Yeah, she said she had a nightmare so she slept with us for the night..." you rub your eyes.
"I've got information- on the dreams..." Cas walks in with a book and some papers.
He places the book in the middle of the table and point to a certain section.
"... In order to end the viscous cycle, the source must be found, and to prevent it the source must be slain with a golden sword drenched in the blood of a fallen angel..." he reads.
You all stare at the section.
"Why so.. specific? Where are we going to find a pure golden sword, or the blood?" You ask. Sam and Dean look at you stupidly.
"The sword should be nothing, but, uhm- hello? You are literally married to a fallen angel..." Dean mocks. You look up at Cas.
"Well, anyways, how are we going to track this 'source' down?" You ask.
"I can try and read Callie's thoughts, about the dreams that is... if I can see what she's seeing, then maybe I'll know who's doing it..." he closes the book.
"Well, she's still asleep now so, let's get this over with." You say. As you all head upstairs, you, Sam, and Dean stand around the bed as Cas places his hand on her head. You look at him confusedly as he pulls his hand away.
"What's wrong?" Sam asks. He places his hand on her cheek.
"Her face is really hot..." he says. You walk over beside him and feel her head.
"Dean, can you grab me the thermometer from the bathroom-" you ask.
You place it in her mouth as she's still asleep. The little machine beeps as you pull it away.
"101.8..." Cas reads.
"Cas, quickly.... just read the dreams now..." you say with rapid hand gestures. He places his hand back on her head and you see his eyes glow slightly. She flinches a bit.
"D...Daddy..." she mumbles in her sleep. You look at Sam and Dean, and then back at Cas and Callie.
A few moments later, Callie pops up as Cas takes his hand off of her head. You pick her up as a tear rolls down her cheek.
"It's ok princess... we're here." Cas takes her. She lays her head on his shoulder as he rubs her back, looking at you and the boys unnervingly.


  Later after Sam and Dean left, Callie had taken a nap on the couch so you and Cas decided to use the time.
  "Babe, before she woke up earlier, what did you see?" You ask him. He closes his book and looks at you.
"From what I could gather, I think I might know what's going on... Since no angel besides me is able to get to her, I believe they are using her dreams as a way to contact her without us knowing." He says.
  "That's- what? She's four years old... This is all ridiculous... What are they, like, training her in her dreams?- You know what, don't answer that... Lets just track this source down..." you rub your head. He places his hand on your thigh comfortingly as you lay your head in your hands on the table.
"I think I know the source...". You look up.
"What? Who?!" You question. He looks at you with an intuitive meaning.
"You think it's... them?" You ask. You refer back to the group of angels that had tracked you down previously.
"Why wouldn't it be?". You sigh and stand up, pushing in your chair.
"Can you track them down? I don't care if you have to go to heaven, o-or leave for a few days, this is getting done, and now." You ask. He nods slowly.
"That would be dangerous, you understand that, right?" He asks. You look at Callie sleeping on the couch.
"Y/n, this could initially begin the war..." he speaks, you look at him and nod.
"I know. And if that's what it takes, so be it. We're starting this fucking war."


After calling Crowley to your house, you decided to go find the golden sword needed to kill the source.
With Crowley and Castiel back at the house attempting to track down the four angels, you and Callie drive to a location that Cas had typed in your phone.
"Mommy, where are we going?" Callie rubs her eyes. You hand her back a sippy cup of apple juice.
"Mommy has to run some errands, you can sleep if you want to baby..." you tell her, she pulls her blanket to her face and lays her head comfortably.
After another half an hour, Callie still asleep, you carry her on your hip to the building Cas had sent you to. It looked to be an old colonial styled home, a grand white porch leading to the door.
You knock on the door, holding Callie tightly in your arms afterwards. Moments later, after hearing the sounds of multiple locks being undone, a somewhat older lady cracks open the door, you see what seemed to be a blade I her hand.
"Who are you?!" She demands.
"My name is Y/n Winchester, ma'am." You say. As soon as Winchester comes out of your mouth, she begins to close the door.
You stick your foot in the door and stop her.
"My husband told me to find you, and I'm not leaving." You say.
"And who may your husband be?" She asks.
"C-... His name is Castiel." You say, she begins to open the door more.
"No shit... damn Castiel, your married to him?" She asks. "Aren't you human? And a Winchester, oh, what a great mix..." she opens the door all the way to let you in.
"Uh, yep..." you say slowly.
"Oh... So then this just be her... Caelestra, correct?" She asks. You nod.
"That's actually why we're here... We believe somebody- a group of angels that is, has been trying to contact her through her dreams... and not in a good way." You tell her.
"I already know... you need the sword, don't you?" You follow her as she walks towards the back of the house.
"-Yes... How'd you know?"
"How could I not..." she looks back at you beginning to open a wooden box.
  You see sigils carved into it as she opened it and pulls out an object wrapped in a silk cloth.
  She hands it to you. "Y/n... you understand what this is going to take, correct?" She asks you, you nod. "I do..."
  She sighs as you grasp the sword. You follow her once more as she grabs a small container. She takes a knife from a drawer and cuts her hand open, letting the blood drip into the container.
  "What are you doing?!" You grab her wrist, she winks at you.
  She covers her hand with a cloth and leans back on the counter.
"The blood of the fallen angel cannot be related to the 'victim', so to say, of the visions." She begins. You look at her.
  "So that's how you know him...?" You ask.
"Know him... More like I was his big sister for the first thousand years of his life... Don't ask." She ends.
  "Wow.. well, thank you-...?"
"Maria." She says, you nod. Callie begins to wake up in your arms, Maria quickly puts all of the items into a bag so she wouldn't get suspicious.
"Mommy where are we." She rubs her eyes and yawns.
  "Were just about to go back home, can you say hi?". She waves, Maria smiles and waves back.
"I won't hold you for much longer, you should get her home." She ushers you towards the door. As your about to leave, she grabs your arm and whispers to you.
  "Be careful, Y/n." She slides a piece of paper into your hand, one side with a number and one side with a note.
  "I will."

Under His Wing: The Goddess War (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now