Chapter Four: Short Leash

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I narrowed my eyes, inhaling the crisp forest scent deep into my lungs. Frustration filled my bones as my instinct crawled through me. It had settled down with the little witchling, no longer wishing for me to harm her to get the words from her. The plan to use her as bait for the witch seemed a better alternative. It would draw the witch onto the territory of our choosing, take her out of her element.

I glanced over my shoulder at the little witchling that stuck close behind me, her expressive brown eyes warily glancing around at the forest we were walking in. She was a strange little creature. Had fought me hard as I pulled her out of the shop, doing her best to escape but the moment she had exited it and realized we were no longer there, she had damn near clung to me instead. The little pixie seemed terrified of the outside world. I wasn't used to witches, they rarely came to the Norther Forests but I knew that they weren't timid little mice like this little pixie was.

However, despite how scared she seemed to be I also knew it could be a trap. I knew witches were deceitful. It was how the witch had taken my brother. Rage burned at my gut, chewing on my spin as my instinct rolled through me like a freight train.

Find female

Kill her

I tightened my hand around the thin chain in my fist as I gritted my teeth together. We would find the witch and she would die. I also knew that with the little pixie it would be that much easier. I didn't doubt for a moment that an Elder witch would come to the rescue of such a fine and dainty female. Especially one that had been taken by a werewolf. The witch would be coming to find me the moment she realized her trapped little pixie was taken from her cage.

I could hear the sound of a flock of birds bursting from a bush further away and I lazily turned my head towards it while the little witchling inhaled deeply, nearly pressing herself to my back. "What was that?" It was a terrified little voice that came from her and I shrugged, only slightly curious as to just how well she managed to play the terrified little female. I wondered just how much it pained her to press close to the creature that had so terrified her before.

Her fear had been thick and sour and her face had continually paled and on one occasion she looked like she would be sick. Yet she stood behind me, a hair's breath from touching me, acting as if everything around her was absolutely more terrifying than I was.

I picked up my speed, needing pace away form her before my instinct turned on her once more. It would demand answers as to why she switched so quickly, why she went from being terrified of me to pressing close as if for protection. I wasn't in the mood to harm a female, no matter what my instinct said. I glanced over my shoulder once more and the little witch stumbled as she walked, wincing as her bare feet stepped on the debris that littered the forest floor.

I slowly raised my eyebrow at her lack of shoes. I turned away, the silly female should have been wearing them. It was not my fault she would get hurt because of it. "Where are we going?" There was an almost breathless tone to her voice, as if she had exerted herself too much and I shrugged.

"Must keep movin', pixie." I couldn't stay in one place for too long, the Southerner Forests and the Northern Forests didn't always get along. They were closer to the covens and I didn't need another set of witches after me for taking the little pixie. I was setting a trap and I didn't need to catch any wayward witches within it. I was after only one witch, one that I would destroy completely and totally.

I was used to the pace I set, my brother and I were nomads, we followed the hunts, only staying in cabins when the northern weather turned for the worst. It made me curl my lip up more at the thought of the Southern werewolves, they were pampered, so used to having their food handed to them that they no longer knew how to hunt, how to survive. They were spoiled whelps and it was no wonder the witch went after my brother and I. We were both in peak physical shape, we were both at our most virile.

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