Chapter Eighteen: Ding Dong the Witch is Dead

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I shoved my way out of the large truck I had drove through the front gate and just ripped cell bars out with. I turned to be greeted by a widely grinning Lyxton. I held out my arms, grinning back at him. He hugged me tight and I thumped him hard on the back before letting him go. "Let's go kill us a witch." I couldn't help the pleased growl I let out as I turned towards the large and eerie looking fort.

"Aye, brother. Should be fun by all accounts." He sauntered towards the large building and I fell into step beside him as I glanced at him.

"Did the witch try t' have her way with ye? Is tha' why ye are missin' yer shirt?" I shoved at his shoulder and he scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Told me to have my way with a fertile witch. Something about experimenting with half breeds." He grinned back at me and I rolled my eyes. I didn't believe a word he said.

"Now tha' is somethin' I don't believe." Witches weren't fertile or compatible with werewolves. If they were, Violet would have been swollen with my babe by the time I was done with her. Not that I minded the imagery it gave me. I knew she would look just as perfect and sensual with my babe swollen in her belly as she did now. It was just impossible, scents did not lie. She was not compatible with me.

"Always the doubter, Jax." His attention was pulled to the large doors and I looked that way as well before they were shoved wide open and a handful of witches spilled out, their robes dark as night and the air crackling around them. "Hello, pretties!" Lyxton's tone was sickly sweet as his grin grew sharper and I couldn't help how my smile grew sharper as well. It would feel good to destroy several witches for their treachery and vile actions.

"Leave now." The lead witch's voice boomed out and I let out a bark of laughter that was echoed by Lyxton. We stalked forward without pause as we shifted to our beasts simultaneously. Our roars shook the air as we launched at the witches. Blood sprayed the air and coated our claws and teeth as the witches screamed in agony. Their magick did nothing as they tried to scatter away to get the space needed to use their spells.

It didn't take long to kill them all, granted there were less than half a dozen of them but it was surprisingly lackluster that there wasn't any challenge to it. Lyxton and I both shifted down from the beasts. I looked over at him as I rolled my head on my shoulders, liking how my neck cracked. "Let's find tha' witch." I stalked towards the open doors of the fort and I could hear Lyxton following.

The building felt wrong, too much dark magick was ingrained into the stone for me to think it felt okay. The place reeked of the foul witch's magick. It made my skin crawl. I could hear ghostly echoes of tormented souls that lingered in the walls. I sharpened my hearing without meaning to, listening for the little pixie that I knew was hidden within the walls. There was nothing but a still silence and the haunted sounds that I knew seeped from the stones.

"Where do ye think tha' bitch is?" I looked at Lyxton and he glanced at me, smirking slightly as he slowly looked around.

"Probably in her tower like all other crazed witches in fairy tales." The language that flowed out of his mouth settled my instinct, hammered it home that he was back, that I had gotten him back. I reached out, grabbing his shoulder in a tight grip before I nodded at him.

"I have missed you, brother." I spoke the familiar tongue and he grinned at me before thumping the back of his hand off my chest.

"And I have you but we have a witch to kill. Let's kill her before we celebrate." His teeth grew pointed and I nodded, allowing him to take the lead. He seemed to wander around but there also seemed to be a purpose to how he moved. I had missed my brother for this exact reason. He was a tracker. Could find anything with his nose and lead me right to it so I didn't dare doubt his movements. "Come out witchy. I knew ye are here." His voice was mocking before he shot out his fist towards a wall. I braced for the impact but his entire arm sunk deep into the wall before he yanked back. The wizened old female's throat was encased in his large hand as she gasped and struggled for air.

Shadow of the Beast (Twisted Dark #2)Where stories live. Discover now