Chapter Ten: Chains and Bonds

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Her form was perfect.

I smoothed my hand over her curves as she stood over me. I could feel the scars that lay on her skin, there were more than I had ever imagined but it didn't detract from the perfection that she was. "Beautiful." I wiped away the water from her skin and I watched as she flushed. I was intrigued by the fact that despite all I had done to her in the past two hours there were parts of her that still felt innocent. I was also realizing that I was grateful that despite her hard life that drew those scars on her skin that she was still sweet and innocent about the world. She didn't become jaded or hard to the world around her because of her suffering like she had all rights to do.

I pressed my lips to her navel, inhaling deeply. She smelled clean, pure, and feminine despite the bitter undertone that teased my nose. I gripped her hips and stroked her skin with my fingers. I didn't doubt that I would forever enjoy the feeling of soft skin underneath my fingertips. "That tickles." She pushed me away slightly and I looked up at her as she made a face at me. I pressed my face to her stomach, rubbing my stubble against her skin until she giggled, struggling in my grip. I pulled her down to sit across my lap as the giggles continued to escape her. I grinned as I grabbed my shirt from where I had hung it up over the small fire I had made.

"Let's get ye dressed 'fore ye get cold." I helped her slip on my large shirt, enjoying how it swallowed up her form. I liked the thought she was naked beneath my clothing, that if I slid my hand underneath it I would be met with soft and supple flesh and nothing else. "Tha's right, relax." She leaned against my chest with a sigh as I trailed my fingers down her leg to where she had the long length of chain wrapped around her ankle. I slowly took it off, drying the tiny links with a piece of her torn dress that I had dried over the fire.

I knew nothing about why she had it on. I had been wondering if she simply didn't want to tell me or if she couldn't. She was a very tight lipped female, never truly saying anything about herself. "Tell me somethin' about ye, Violet. Need t' know somethin'." I slowly wrapped the chain back around her ankle and she was silent for a moment before she shrugged.

"I don't know what to tell you. There isn't much that makes me, me." Her voice was quiet and nearly unsure. I felt for her to never truly be allowed to discover one's self because of confinement. My home compound had been stifling for me and Lyxton but to be stuck there with no escape, a chain around my ankle to hold me in place made me feel a flash of sadness for the female.

I finished with the chain and wrapped my arms around her, looking out over the water as the sunset reflected over the gently rippling surface. "Why do ye need the gold?" It was tucked away safely for her but I was curious as to why she had gone from fear to agitation when I had taken it.

"To buy my freedom from Irma." She said it evenly and calmly and that flare of guilt returned. She had been trying to escape Irma when I took her. I didn't regret my decision to take her, to regret it meant I would have missed burying myself into her silken heat repeatedly until we were both sated. I was not about to regret or miss that.

"Do ye think she will truly let ye go?" If I was such a witch, I wouldn't let her go no matter how much gold was offered to me. The thought of being given such a female to own and have made my cock twitch slightly.

She gave a small shrug, settling in my lap, shifting so her back rested against my chest. "Its about two thousand gold and all I can do is hope." She let out a wistful sigh as if her dreams of freedom were nothing but a fanciful dream.

"How did ye get tha' much?" For someone who was chained in the shop, I doubted she was paid so I was curious as to how she managed to get the gold. I doubted that she stolen it, she didn't seem the type of female to do that.

"Illegal potions. Sometimes sex." She said the last bit quietly, shame coating her words and it radiated off of her thickly. I was surprised by the admission. She didn't seem like the type of person who would be willing to do that. It made a rather dark feeling encase me.

"Ye sold yerself for a chance at yer freedom?" It didn't sit right with me that she was forced into a position in life that she would have to sell her sweet and heated body for a slim chance at freedom. Irma deserved nothing but utter torture for forcing a female to endure such a thing.

"You could say that, yes." She lowered head head, drawing up her knees to her chest. I slid my hands up her thighs and to her knees before sliding them down the inside of her thighs.

"I would give ye all the gold in the world if ye continue t' let me between yer silky thighs." I would pamper her endlessly, cherish every inch of her flesh, and shower her in gold coins just for the privilege to be with her but never for the slim chance at her buying freedom.

"Its not funny." There was an edge to her voice as she grabbed my wrists, stalling my movements.

"I'm not laughin', pixie." I nuzzled her neck, nipping a her skin. She shuddered against me, making a muffled noise in her throat.

"What do you mean?" Her voice was slightly strained and I grinned before brushing my lips down her throat.

"Do ye think tha' I didna enjoy ye? Ye're pure perfection an' ye think I wouldna wish t' spend all the gold I could t' keep between yer thighs?" I moved my hands lower, ignoring her weak grip on my wrists. "Silly female." I nipped at her ear. "Do ye wish for me t' stop teasin' ye here?" I slowly cupped her and she cut off a slight moan as her knees spread slightly, giving me more room. "Tell me, Violet." I gave a low growl and she leaned her head back against my shoulder.

"I don't." She breathed the words out and I drew my teeth down her neck.

"Ye doona what?" I spoke against her skin and she shivered heavily.

"I don't want you to stop." She gasped it out as I stroked her slickening flesh with my fingers.

"Never think I am jokin with ye when it comes t' bein between ye're thighs and slidin' deep within ye." I wrapped my other arms around her waist sliding my hand between the buttons to grasp at her heated side. "Do ye want me t' pleasure ye again?" I slowly slid my fingers up towards her breast and she nodded. "Let me hear ye say it, pixie." I liked hearing her tell me that she wanted me, liked hearing that breathy and needy tone of her voice.

"Yes, Jax." She nodded turning her head to look up at me, her lips parting in an invitation.

"Aye what, Violet?" I narrowed my eyes as I stroked the bottom swell of her breast, teasing her skin as she wiggled between my legs. My cock swelled in response to the sweet and wet heat that was slowly soaking my fingers from her sex.

"I want you to pleasure me." Her brown eyes pleaded with me and I grinned, hunger rising up within me thick and heavy.

"Gladly." I captured her lips with my own, demanding her submission and her compliance with my demands. I would pleasure and please her but only with her complete and total submission underneath me and she would enjoy every single second of it.

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