Epilogue: Happiest of Homes

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I hummed as I stoked the fire of the wood burning stove, the cabin was warm and cozy despite the howling winds outside. It felt good to be safe and sound, no worries about food or safety. I was well taken care of in my little pocket of world I had. I moved to check on the roast I had set in the oven for supper and the rich scent of savoury venison and spices wafted into my face as I opened the door. My stomach growled but twisted unpleasantly. It was something I had been trying to get used to.

I pressed my hand to my stomach with a sigh. I wasn't very good at magick, I had a years of knowledge I had to acquire and despite Jax and Lyxton finding me all the spell books they could, it was slow going. I was just happy that my earlier spell had worked and it had worked again and again and again. It felt good to use my magick, to feel that part of me no longer be unfamiliar or strange.

I walked over the smooth floorboards and towards the cupboards. Jax had sanded the rough floor down the first day I had come here. I had gotten a splinter from one of them in the bottom of my foot and once he had extracted the sliver from my foot he had set me on the table and ordered me to stay before he sanded down every inch of floor so it was nothing but smooth to the bottom of my feet.

A faint heat flared in my cheeks as I pulled down a stack of plates and moved over to grab some cutlery. I felt beyond pampered by Jax. He was possessive and dominating but nothing was ever done to me without my say so and he made it his focus for me to want for nothing. I hadn't wanted for much, not knowing what luxuries really were ask for them but any little silly thing I wanted, like curtains for the windows or a cheery table cloth for the table, it was acquired for me. So was the area rug and the well worn furniture in the living room.

He had allowed me to make the space my own and it felt like home whenever I came into the space. My gaze slowly moved to the partially made cradle that sat beside Jax's chair. He had set about constructing one when he had gotten me here. Slowly making every spindle and piece by hand. He refused my suggestions that he just find one, telling me that his babes would rest in his love even when far from his arms. It made me melt for the male even more than I already had.

I moved back towards the stove once the cutlery was on the stack of plates, ready for when supper was done. It was dark outside and I knew Jax and Lyxton would be returning shortly. Excitement bloomed up in my chest at the thought. I stirred the potatoes before poking one with a fork and nodding my head. I carefully pulled the pot off the stove and drained it over the sink before throwing a pat of butter into is and a sprinkle of salt before putting the pot on the table. I moved over to the vegetables and did the same, draining them over the sink and setting the pot on the table.

Everything looked and smelled wonderful and I gave a happy smile. I was turning into quite the little cook. I had been absolutely shit at it until Lyxton had taken me underneath his wing, showing me everything he knew about cooking and helping me when I wavered on somethings, unsure of what to do. He was a very nice male and I hoped he found a female for himself. He truly deserved one.

The door was shoved open, causing me to jump as a rush of bitter winter winds followed the two large males inwards into the warmth of the cabin. "Jax!" I smiled brightly, rushing towards him, leaping into his arms as he laughed, a rich and warm sound that made me feel cherished.

"Aye, pixie, tis me." He held me tight to his chest as he walked further into the house, setting me down only to kiss me long and hard. I swayed towards him, getting lost in the passion he was showing me as he pulled me close, low growls rumbling the air as his heated form chased away the cold the winter had brought into the cabin. He drew back from the kiss, pulling my head to his chest as he kissed the top of it. "Smells good." His voice rumbled into me and I smiled proudly, holding him just as tightly as he was holding me.

"And tell us how the food smells, Jax." At Lyxton's cheeky response I blushed heavily at the implication and Jax merely laughed as he let me go.

"Its smells good as well." He gave my ass a playful swat as he moved to take off his winter gear beside Lyxton. I grinned at the action despite the pink I knew that stained my cheeks at it and I headed back to the stove, opening the oven door.

"Ah ah." Lyxton was immediately beside me, gently and playfully moving me aside. "You have done enough." I stepped back and watched him pull out the roast, inhaling deeply with a faint look on his face. "Ye added juniper this time." He gave me a look and I kind of shrunk in on myself, unsure if it was a good choice but his beaming smile was enough to return my confidence as I nodded. "Make a world class cook out of ye." He settled the roast on the table beside the other dishes and I quickly moved to grab the dishes. "I suggest my brother puts a babe in your belly before a more handsome male steals ye away." Lyxton winked at me and I flushed even as Jax gave a low warning growl.

I carefully set the plates out, making sure each one had a knife and a fork. My heart hammered in my chest as I slowly finished. "Jax can't put a baby in me right now." At the words both males stilled and looked at me. Jax with heavy confusion and Lyxton with abject curiosity.

"Why do ye say that, beautiful?" He pulled out his chair and settled into place and my mouth felt dry as I wrung my hands in front of me, suddenly nervous.

"I have to have this one first." I pressed my hands to my belly and the growing life that I knew, without a doubt, rested within me. The silence was thick and there was a tense moment before Jax was suddenly by my side. He hit his knees before moving my hands out of the way and burying his face into my stomach. He inhaled deeply, his hands grasping my hips. I let my hand fall to his shoulders as tears welled in my eyes as he stiffened, pushing closer and inhaling again and then again as it to cement it deep within himself that my scent had indeed changed, no matter how small, and there was a little life growing deep within me.

He yanked me down, pulling me onto his lap as his fingertips brushed my cheeks and my mouth as he held me close. Those blue eyes burned as they looked at me and he closed them pressing his forehead to my temple and cupping my belly. "A babe." He breathed the words out and I nodded, sniffling. The spell had come back positive every single time I had done it and I had done it repeatedly just to make sure I was doing it perfectly.

"A baby." I was going to have a little baby, a child. I was going to be able to finally make up my childhood by giving another the love I never had growing up. I was going to be able to kiss tiny feet and hands, tickle a tiny belly, and show a little creature that I loved them to the ends of this world and back a hundred times over.

"Ye're magnificent." Jax pressed his lips to my temple. "Stunning." His voice grew more soft and carried on low and growled tones. "Wondrous." Each word he said he pressed his lips to a new place on me. The shell of my ear, my cheek bone, the side of my nose. "I will pamper ye endlessly." He held me tighter, his face going to my nec as he held me like he would never let me go again. "Cherish ye with all tha' I am an' will be." His hand smoothed over my belly as my tears started to fell at the endless love that I felt emanating from him. This was not the first time I had heard him say those things to me but it was the first with thar much apparent love.

"Love ye like no male has ever loved another." He pulled back, those startling blue eyes shining with joy and happiness and most of all love before brushed his lips against mine. He tucked me close, rocking me as he whispered to me all that he would do for me and all that he would give. He promised me the earth beneath my feet, the stars above my head and everything in between.

I closed my eyes, finally basking in the feeling of being cherish and loved. Jax could promise me anything but there was only one promise I needed from him as I pulled back and looked at him. "Will ever stop loving me?" I met his gaze and it burned so bright and intense I felt like I would be burned.

"Never." It was that rasping whisper and the kiss that followed that cemented my future in front of me. No more uncertainly or fear because my world was completely and utterly set in stone. There was no need for fear because Jax would always be right beside me.

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