Chapter Five: Night Terrors: Part Two

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It was a haze where I was aware of myself but nearly asleep, unable to pass through to the peace and serenity that beckoned me so sweetly. A heavy crack of a tree branch had my eyes snapping open and I sucked in a breath at the oppressive darkness that enveloped me. My heart thudded in my chest as I strained to hear what was out there and another cracking sound was heard in the same direction, directly behind me and the tree.

Fear made my mouth go dry and I scrambled across the ground, reaching for the werewolf. The chain stopped me ten feet from him and I bit my lip to keep from screaming. I could hear a faint huffing sound from behind me and I turned quickly so I was sitting, staring frantically into the dark, trying to see what it was that seemed to be right there. I felt like I was being watched and when I twisted to look at the werewolf my hand landed on a decently sized rock. I picked it up and threw it at him. It thumped off his back and my heart thudded in my chest hard as he sat up, turning his head. The gleam of his eyes were bright in the dark as he let out a heavy growl, those gleaming eyes narrowing at me.

"There's something here." It came out in a choked whisper and I could hear the huffing growing louder behind me and the feeling of being watched like prey grew. The werewolf crouched, narrowing his eyes before he slowly advanced towards me. His gaze was on something over my shoulder and it made the panic ratchet up even worse in my chest. I hadn't been imagining things. There was something behind me.

When he reached me one large hand grasped my shoulder and pushed me down gently. "Stay down, pixie. Doona move." His voice was a low rumble and I nodded, curling in on myself on the ground. The chain was pulled tight but I ignored it, shuddering in my ball as my breathing came in frantic pants that bordered on sobs. My heart thudded almost painfully in my chest and there was a heavy growl before the sound of something crashing through the bushes had me curling tighter into myself.

There was a shout and a squeal before a snarl rattled the air out in the trees. I jumped at another squeal before a heavy thud of something hit the ground several feet away from me. I flinched and fought the instinct to bolt, the werewolf had told me to stay and he knew more about the Forests than I did. If he said for me to stay down then there was a reason for it.

The thing that hit the ground grunted before shifting in the dirt. "Fookin' pig bastard." The words were snarled and when there was another squeal the werewolf let out a heavy growl and moved away. I lifted my head slightly, looking into the direction where I had heard him go but there was nothing but darkness. I could hear the squealing move further away and the sound of something heavy crashing through the brush before the sounds were immediately cut off.

The silence seemed more disturbing than the noises and I tucked my head back down, my breathing coming in pants as I tried to listen for something, anything, that would be coming towards me. My heartbeat counted the seconds that passed, the pounding seeming to get harsh and more painful with each moment that came and went. Without warning, the thin chain around my ankle went lax. I inhaled deeply, freezing in my spot as I tried to listen for an approach but my heartbeat seemed to override any sounds I might have heard.

Large hands grasped me and I tried to scramble away, my fear making me panic at the surprise contact, distressed and almost inhuman sounds escaping my throat as the fear tried it's best to suffocate me. A shushing sound was all there was as the hands grasped me tighter and pulled me to a large form. I instantly turned to the werewolf, clutching at his shirt as I shook violently. I felt like I was going to be sick. The fear made bile touch the back of my throat and my form trembled uncontrollably.

"'S okay, pixie." His voice was gruff and my teeth chattered together as I clutched his shirt so tightly my fingers ached. "Its dead." There was a curious softness to his tone that I didn't have the mental capacity to think about as relief surged through me.

"Th-thank yo-you." The words were stuttered out from between my clattering teeth. I pulled myself closer to him, closer to the warmth and safety of his large form. He tensed, grabbing my wrists. "D-don't t-tie me to-to the t-tree a-again, pl-please." I hated how badly I stuttered the words out. I doubted I had ever been so scared in my entire life and I had been terrorized nearly daily for years. Tears burned at my eyes as the werewolf pulled my hands away from him, the fabric of his shirt leaving my nearly numb fingers. He shifted his grip, holding my wrists together with one hand before the thin chain was wrapped tightly around my wrists. I blinked in confusion, only seeing faint movements as my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness but failed miserably.

His hand dropped from my wrists and a thick arm wrapped around my back and I was lifted off the ground, my legs dangling as the werewolf carried me several feet before setting me down, pushing me so I was laying down. I was unsure of what he was doing until he laid down behind me, snaking an arm around my waist and pulling me so I was tugged tight against his chest, his heart beating strong against my back. I felt a tiny spike of fear as his breath stirred my hair and his other arm moved underneath me to wrap around me as well.

I could shift my hands, the chain was tight but not biting around my wrists. I felt wary of having him at my back but it soon faded as the warmth of his body sunk into me and I was enveloped by a sense of security by his large form pressed against mine. He was a dangerous creature, yes, but currently he was protecting me and that was all that truly mattered when one was stuck in a world they didn't know.

I waited a bit, listening to his even breaths before I felt the courage to speak, the fear finally loosening its hold on me. "What was it?" The question came out as a whisper and there as no change in his breathing and I thought he had fallen asleep until his hand spread out over my stomach, the large appendage stretching from my navel to my sternum. I shivered underneath the touch, unsure of how to feel about it.

He gave a small grunt. "Big boar. Territorial bastard was tryin' t' scent ye out." His words did little to comfort me. Everything out in the forest was out to kill me.

"Thank you for killing it, werewolf." I shuddered to think about what would have happened to me if he hadn't been there, if he hadn't woken up.

"Name's Jaxton." He shifted behind me, his grip on me growing just a fraction tighter. "People call me Jax. S'ppose ye can call me tha' too." His voice was a low rumble that vibrated my back.

"Thank you, Jax." His name fell off my tongue easily and I felt my cheeks heat up at it. I felt a little embarrassed by the reaction it caused but didn't have time to ponder it too deeply as a rumble came from his chest.

"Sleep, pixie." His tone was all the warning I needed to keep my mouth closed and my eyes shut. I thought it would be hard to fall asleep, my distrust for the werewolf overriding my exhaustion but within a few moments of closing my eyes I was fast asleep, feeling safe and warm.

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