Chapter Nine: Learn What Ye Fear

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His hands were hot against me as he carried me further into the water, the cool water lapped at my feet, causing a strange mixture of soothing and stinging. My heart thudded hard in my chest, I was scared of what I felt. He made me ache and he had ignited a deep need within me but I knew wanting him would bring me nothing but death.

"I'm scared." I met his gaze and there was a great intensity within his blue eyes. I could see his desire, feel it, in that azure blue. It made my lower stomach tighten and desire rolled through me to match the desire I could see within him.

He slid a hand from my thigh to my lower back, holding me to him tightly as he lowered us both into the water. "Why, little pixie?" His voice was a low rumble and his fingers dug into my lower back muscles, rubbing the tension away and my eyes wanted to droop.

"They'll kill me if they find out." I swallowed at that. "I don't want to burn, Jax." I didn't want to learn what that felt like, I didn't want to feel the flames licking at my skin, feel them sear my nerves as they ate me alive.

His hand slid up my back to cup the back of my neck, forcing me to meet his gaze once again. "They willna put a hand on ye, Violet." His gaze was intense and it gleamed. I could feel the truth his words had as they rumbled over my skin. "I swear I will protect ye with everythin' tha' I am as long as yer with me." His hand squeezed the back of my neck gently and I wanted to relax into him.

He had told me of his life before, told me of his twin, Lyxton, and their life they had. His voice had been calm and even as he told me about a life that had been so different from my own. His life had been within the Forests, with a family that had adored him, and he had wanted for nothing. He told me of how he and his brother had gotten into trouble growing up, how they had eventually gone their own way from the compound they had been raised.

His stories had brought me into a world I had never had the ability to experience and it had been the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me. I had been stuck in a world full of people taking from me, hurting me, leaving me in the dark about the world, that having someone give me a glimpse of something beyond the four walls that had always encased me was an indescribable feeling. I didn't know how to thank him for that. I didn't know what to say to get him to understand how much that meant to me.

My world was filled with pain and I knew I was lucky enough that I came out of it all half okay. Irma had made sure to let me know I was not loved or wanted but the witches I had grown up around, those in the prisons, had been my support. They came and went but they were the ones who brought me up, teaching me what it meant to be a witch, to be cared for, but I had never been actually loved. So hearing about Jax talking about his childhood or his brother, seeing his expression light up, and seeing what I had been denied my entire life, was something I couldn't put into words.

"Irma-" My voice caught in my throat and I closed my eyes tightly, bowing my head as I leaned forward, pressing my forehead to his shoulder as he stilled. Words caught in my throat, jumbling up until it created a lump. I gave a small cough before I ground my teeth together and pulled back, meeting his gaze once more. "Make her hurt." Anger rolled through me at all I had been denied and taken from.

I had been taunted by her. Her holding my parents above me, telling me they hadn't wanted me, telling me they were happy with their other children, never giving me a second look as they left me to her. She broke my heart before I knew what it felt like to love and then she had crushed my spirit, infecting me with her poison. "For what she has done." There was an angry burn to my eyes but I lifted my chin as I looked at him. I wanted to be strong in that, I didn't want to show weakness.

His eyes searched my face as one large hand slowly moved from my neck down my back, the heat of it a harsh and startling contrast to the cold of the water. "What has she done t' ye, pixie?" The question was asked in low tones that rumbled over my skin and I tightened my hands into fists.

"She gave me fear." My entire life I had lived steeped in it, never knowing who I was outside of it. Her brand of poison to keep me in line. I had never known a life without it and the glimpses I was getting where its shroud no longer covered me made me realize just how much I hated her for it.

"Do ye fear me, Violet?" His voice made me once again look at him, meet his gaze and I blinked slowly. I wanted to lie, to show I was brave but I couldn't.

"Yes." It came out on a wave of shame and I hated myself for it. He was a werewolf, yes. He was bigger than me, yes. But he hadn't hurt me, had protected me from a world that was dangerous and terrifying. He had sworn to never let anything hurt me while I was by his side. However it didn't stop the inherent fear I had with all things different and new.

He slid one of his hands around my side before grasping my fist, smoothing it out in his big palm. I shuddered at the feeling before he pressed my hand to his chest. His skin was hot against my palm and it sent a wave of heat through my nerves. "Touch what scares ye, pixie. Learn so ye doona fear what is t' come." His voice was a low rumble and I shivered at the promise his words held. My mind whirled with images of what that would entail as I slowly moved my hand, shifting my legs so I was kneeling over his lap. I shifted my hand towards the dark patterns of his tattoos, letting my fingertips trace the patterns just as I had done in my dreams. I could feel my cheeks heating up despite the cool water that slowly swirled around my waist.

I brought my other hand up, sliding it across his chest to his other shoulder. I continued to trail my fingers over his tattoos. I was curious about the marks. I knew that werewolves healed quickly and that unless the wounds were deep. "How did you manage to get these to stay?" I looked up at him and his mouth twitched upwards.

"Wolfsbane. Put it in the ink an' it stays under the skin." He tilted his head as he let me explore. He was a big male, it was obvious that there was some logistics about sex that would cause me a bit of am issue.

"Will you hurt me?" My voice came out slightly breathless as shifted on his lap, feeling his bulge pressed against the front of his pants. My cheeks heated even worse. There was definitely some logistical issues about what would fit where when it came to sex. I pushed the thoughts away as I slid my hands across the wide and hard muscles of his chest. His form made me want to sink my nails deep into his skin and hold him tight against me.

"I willna." His voice was a low rumble and he hands moved back to my hips, his strong fingers massaged me and I inhaled sharply as I shuddered underneath the contact. "Sweet females, dainty females, little pixies deserve t' be cherished an' pleased. Ye will be well pleased with me, Violet." At the words my breathing deepened slightly as my chest flushed. I ached for the werewolf I was currently touching and I swallowed hard.

"You really promise to protect me?" I met his gaze once more as my fingers trailed up his neck, following the beautiful patterns of his tattoos. I enjoyed the feeling of his skin underneath my hands and fingers and I loved the beautiful tattoos that encased his form.

His gaze burned into me and his chest rumbled with a silent growl. "While in my care, Violet, ye willna be harmed. I promise ye tha'." My name on his tongue made me shiver and lean towards him. I trailed my fingertips over his cheeks and I brushed my thumbs down his jaw, my breathing deepened further as I locked my gaze onto his lips. "Will ye beg for it, Violet?" One of his hands moved up my back to grab the back of my neck, pulling me close enough that his breath brushed my mouth. "I willna touch ye till ye beg me." I didn't know how to respond to his words but his dominance made my lower stomach clench with sudden need.

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