4: Game On

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I was riding a black stallion that bore a striking resemblance to Black Beauty as it was black and had a white star-shaped spot on its forehead. Prince Mahindra rode a brown mare.

He turned out to be a very calm, patient and understanding teacher or maybe I was a great student because in no time I was riding effortlessly. The prince showed me the immaculately tended rose gardens, the royal armory and a temple for the local deity.

As we rode, I told him my hobbies which were reading, watching movies, yoga, doodling and mimicry.

"What's a movie?" he asked, confused.

"Umm, it is a story with moving pictures and maybe some music." I said. It was so weird that he didn't know what a movie was, but then cameras didn't exist right now let alone movies.

Ugh! Why it so hard to explain what a movie was?

"Wow! There's something like that? It sounds amazing. But how do the pictures move?" he asked, still very confused.

Ok now how was I supposed to explain how the pictures moved?! Why were people in the past so...unadvanced....!

"See, there are people who act out the story and the entire thing is captured on a camera." I said.
"So you mean it's a play performed by traveling minstrels?" Mahindra asked with a slight frown.

"Ugh...It's hard to explain. I'll tell you more about it later. So, what do you like doing?" I asked inquisitively.

This question eased him up a bit. I don't think he liked being clueless about stuff. Being a prince who would most probably become the king in the future he was supposed to be well versed in all subjects.

He smiled brightly and said, "I love reading and sword fighting. We don't have anything like what's it called... yes, movies. Come, I'll show you the sword fighting arena.

When we got there, I instantly spotted Neel- all sweaty and dirty. It wasn't really difficult because he stood out like an orange in the midst of strawberries, because of his attire.

Since Prince Mahindra was overly eager to meet him, we rode over to where he was practicing how to parry with an instructor. I must admit he wasn't as bad at wielding his sword as thought he would be.

Neel looked up as we approached. "Oh hi! And who might this be?" he asked me.

"Neel, this is Prince Mahindra," I said in answer to his question, "And that is Neel" I said to the prince indicating Neel.

"It is great to meet you!" said Mahindra, the perfect host that he was.

Neel grinned at him and mostly just ignored him after that. He turned his attention to me.

"So, you can ride, huh? Well, I remember you mentioning it to me some time ago but I thought you'd make a complete fool of yourself. I'm pretty sure I can ride like a pro." He said cockily.

"You!" I said in an irritated voice, "Can't you see me riding perfectly well right now or do you happen to be sand blind?"

I hated it when people underestimated me for being a girl. Being a girl certainly did not warrant any form of weakness. Honestly, our femininity is what made us strong.

"Well, if you think you're so good then I challenge you to a race across the palace grounds." He said with a smirk, "And just so you know what you're up for, I took riding lessons last summer."

I knew I wasn't very good at riding and I had only just learnt today but I couldn't down an open challenge like this. That would mean I was a coward and my ego did not permit me to refuse.

I hesitated a bit but I said loudly, "Ok, game on!"

I flipped my hair back to make it more dramatic.

A horse was brought down for Neel from the stables. I looked to Mahindra for support but 'All the best, break a leg' was all I got.

While riding to the start line my horse jerked a little because of uneven ground, which made me lose my equilibrium and I fell to the ground rather unceremoniously.

Neel had the audacity to laugh at me and as I have mentioned before had no basic etiquette to help me up. Even Prince Mahindra was trying hard not to laugh at me but rushed forward to help me. I was already annoyed and the fact that both of them were laughing at my fall infuriated me further.

Did they think I was a dumb pumpkinhead who was incapable of something as trivial as horse riding? Well, I shall show them what I can do.

With renewed determination I rode forward to final line, when we got the signal to start. My horse galloped fast, but I wasn't falling off the sides any more, I bobbed up and down with it. My eyes were trained straight ahead on the finish line. My face was fixed with a determined look.

Through the corner of my eye I could see Neel's expression change from initial surprise to pure determination to win. I felt my heart beating rapidly in my ears and the adrenaline coursing through my body.

We had almost reached the finish line and Neel charged ahead. My nostrils flared and I charged forward in a last attempt to win. I crossed the line about half a second before him.

I exhaled my breath which I didn't know I had been holding.

I smiled victoriously at Neel. He seemed to be taking in his defeat slowly.

"Aw! Neelu baby is feeling sad he lost?" I said with mock sympathy, "Well, suck that!" I said cockily.

With that I walked towards the palace with Prince Mahindra; a smirk adorning my face.



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