6: Monochrome Sucks

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We requested for a private audience with the king. We wanted to inform Ashoka about this mind-boggling new discovery. I was a hundred percent sure that it was a side effect of the portal magic.

King Ashoka was very impressed when we told him. He had the royal astrologer summoned immediately to see if he could help us in any way or at least figure out what kind of magic is at work.

The astrologer was this ancient guy (Well, technically we are in the ancient times so he was ancient but I mean to say that he was extremely old) who gave me the creeps. He had draped a white cloth with a gold lining like a dhoti and a similar cloth covered his torso. He had white hair and a white beard and a white turban.

I felt like saying, 'Dude, what's with the monochrome attire. Everyone knows that it's a universal fashion don't. Some colour in life certainly won't harm you!' But I figured it would be a very impolite thing to say so I kept my mouth shut.

"Oh learned scholar! The people from the future that you had predicted about in this very chamber are here. It is these blessed children that stand beside you. I believe that the magic that brought them to our kingdom is highly complex and unique. I ask you to give us some of your invaluable time and assist them in their quest to go back to the future." said King Ashoka, in a respectful manner.

"Always a pleasure, oh merciful and virtuous king." said the astrologer bowing his head slightly as mark of respect.

He studied us gravely. After staring at us intensely for a few minutes, he said in grave voice, "Their life is hidden in shadows, I cannot see at clearly. I woefully say that I have no answer to explain the portal magic. But I assure you, that when the time is ripe, they themselves shall find a way back home. You must not force anything upon them. Take care of these blessed children of god or else your kingdom shall be doomed."
Ashoka nodded wordlessly in response, his mind deep in thought.

"Now if you may, I take your leave, oh merciful lord." The astrologer said, bowing his head.

Honestly, I thought he was speaking a load of bullshit.

'Your kingdom will be doomed' it seems.

Did he think we would summon AK-47s and shoot down whoever messed with us? Well, we can't do that, technically- but there's no harm in letting him believe that.

After the astrologer departed, Ashoka dismissed us and we retired to our room. I slept like a baby that night, because I was exhausted and of course my favourite pajamas.

I dreamed about Tvisha's antics and a jungle safari- no relation whatsoever but it's my subconscious so let it be.







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