5: An Astonishing New Discovery

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I was filthy when I got back so I went for another bath. Well, I love baths and I kind of have an OCD for remaining clean. But this one was considerably shorter than the previous one.

Suvarna had brought a new set of clothes for me that she helped me wear. I'd really liked the lehenga when I wore it for the first time but now I really missed my comfy t-shirts and jeans.

The lehenga made me look gorgeous and all but it was uncomfortable to wear all the time. I sighed. It was almost eight in the evening and I think I was expected to sleep in this. I groaned. I really can't sleep without my unicorn-trainer pajamas.

When I went out I saw Neel sulking in his corner of the room. He was all sweaty and filthy. There was dirt stuck to his clothes from wearing them continuously for the entire day. And to top it all, he was sitting on his bed. Disgusting idiot! Didn't he realize that he would be sleeping in that very bed? I cringed at the thought of me doing the same.

God! I really wish he had another set of clothes!

Just as I was about to leave the room and go downstairs to meet the royal ladies (I figured it would be nice to have some female company. And I wanted to be polite, they'd let us stay at their palace after all), I heard a shout from Neel's side.

"What the fuck?!" he yelled.

Now what made him use such explicit language? I turned around to see what the big deal was and what I saw left me rooted to my spot.

On Neel's bed lay a full set of clean clothes including fresh underwear, in case you were wondering though I don't think you were.

"How....What happened?" I asked my eyes wide with wonder and a hint of fear.

"I...I was sitting here and decided to go for a shower when I saw you going out. And suddenly these clothes appeared out of thin air. It literally scared the living daylights out of me. And....they aren't just any clothes....they're MY clothes!" Neel said with flailing hands as if to explain exactly how it happened.

If this hadn't been such a serious situation I would have been on the floor rolling with laughter at the comical sight.

I stared at the clothes, trying to logically analyze what had just happened. At that very moment, realization hit me.

"Oh my God! Did you wish for clean clothes?" I asked excitedly.

"Well I did, several times actually, but nothing happened then. I don't understand why they would appear now after all this while." He said, a confused look crossing his face.

"I just wished that you'd have clean clothes because you were filthy and I have an OCD for remaining clean. And they just appeared. Tuing! I have a theory. Maybe, since I activated the portal, I can wish for things and they will come through. Wait, let me think of something again." I said, unable to contain my happiness, and awe for this portal.

I wished for my favourite pajamas. Nothing happened. I waited for a minute. I frowned- Neel's clothes had appeared within seconds after I wished for them.

"It's not working." I said, not even trying to hide my disappointment.

"It's ok. We'll figure it out." Neel said getting up to go to the bathroom.

"Wait! Let me try and wish for something else." I felt a flicker of hope as I contemplated another theory but I wasn't very sure about it this time.

I wished for a pair of shoes for Neel. Within seconds a pair of Nike running shoes appeared in front of me. A wave of relief and happiness rushed over me. My idea had actually worked!

I told Neel about my new theory, "See, when I wished for my favourite pajamas, they didn't appear, both the times that I wished something for you, they appeared. So I think that things only appear when they aren't for yourself. Now try wishing something for me. Go ahead." I said, looking at him expectantly.

In no time, my pajamas appeared on my bed, folded neatly. I clapped my hands with joy like a giddy little kid. No judging, ok!

Well, forget socializing with royalty! In the next half an hour we made a list of all the things we wanted from the future (on paper that we summoned of course!).

The problem was that we could only summon stuff that belonged to us or to someone we knew.How annoying! I really wanted a kindle but I didn't own one and neither did anyone I know so it was a really fruitless task trying to summon it.

We skipped dinner, only dropping in to have some dessert. This indiscipline acquired us disapproving looks from the royal women. One of them even had the audacity to call me malnourished. Now that's mean! But who cares. 





~anokonda002 :)

~anokonda002 :)

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