17: Kalinga...Here I Come

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“Guys, can we please take a break? I need to relieve myself.” I requested, as we navigated through the bushy undergrowth of the forest in the darkness with only the moon as our source of light.

We’d been riding for seven hours non-stop and my gluteus maximus, which is my butt, was so numb that I could hardly feel it.

If my calculations were correct, we had covered over two hundred miles at the speed at which we were going. My horse needed a well deserved break and I needed to loosen my stiff muscles.

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. We’ve already covered quite a lot of the way, and at our current rate we can try reaching Kalinga tomorrow by late evening. Besides, our horses are exhausted.” Mahindra told us.

He studied the map that he had brought along, looking for a suitable place for us to rest for a while. “About half a mile from here, there is a small clearing with a spring. We can rest there for an hour or two before we continue.” He informed us.

Neel and I nodded in agreement. On reaching the clearing, we eagerly jumped off the horses and rushed to the spring to quench our thirst. Then we led our horses to it for drink.

“I’ll be back.” I informed, as I made my way into the forest to relieve myself.

“Wait for me, I’ll come with you.” Neel said, coming after me.
“No,” I snapped at him, “Go away you horny numbskull.”

“Eww! Tara, I didn’t mean it that way.” He said, cringing with disgust, “It’s just that there are many wild animals around here and it may not be the best idea to go alone. It’s not like I have a particular interest in watching you pee. So, are you sure you don’t want me to come?”

“Umm…ok.” I said softly. I happen to get pretty cranky when me bladder needs to be emptied.

After getting back, we sat down around the fire that Mahindra had started with some flint he found.

We fed our horses and tied them to a tree. All of us were tired to the bone and decided to take a small nap, taking turns to keep watch. After all we hadn’t slept for over twenty hours. Neel volunteered to keep watch first.

I was more than happy because my body finds it extremely difficult to function normally if I don’t get at least seven hours of sleep every day. It kind of hampers my biological clock. I found sleeping on the hard ground rather uncomfortable and was afraid that I would not be able to sleep well, but eventually exhaustion got the best of me.

‘Good night or should I say good morning since it’s already four thirty? Who cares…?’ I thought as I drifted to sleep.


Neel and Mahindra never woke me up for my turn to keep watch.

Apparently, I looked so peaceful and angelic while I was sleeping that they didn’t have the heart to disturb me. I snorted at their choice of words.

I looked as angelic as a hibernating bear while I slept. Not to mention all the dirt and leaves stuck in the bird’s nest of hair that I woke up with.

I rolled my eyes. They just wanted to be chauvinistic, and didn’t expect me to be capable of guarding our belongings. Not that I’m complaining though, I got a good two and a half hours of shut eye while the two have been whining about how their eyes just won’t remain open.

The sun was about to set when we finally reached the outskirts of Kalinga. We had only taken a brief break around noon for lunch, but otherwise we’d been travelling all day. In the orange luminescence of the setting sun, I saw wisps of smoke rising in the air in the distance.

Ah civilization at last. It would certainly be a pleasant change to people other than the two idiots I was travelling with.

“I think there’s a village in that direction.” I called out, pointing at the smoke.

“That means we’ll reach the king of Kalinga’s palace in less than three hours.” Mahindra said after stealing a quick glance at the map.

Oh thank the heavens!

I would love to have a hot water bath and sleep on an actual bed for a change with cottony soft cushions if that’s not a problem. I’m done with all this camping. To be honest I’ve had enough of this outdoor aesthetic activity for the rest of the year.

We reached the palace in a little over three hours. To my relief, we were shown to our rooms immediately. I would rather lay my sore body down than talk to strangers. There was always tomorrow to deal with all the political affairs and relations.

The palace was humongous and the craftsmanship was commendable but in my opinion it was nothing compared to the majesty of Ashoka’s abode. Or maybe I was biased in my judgment because at the moment I was a representative of Magadha. Besides, I was far too tired to appreciate its beauty properly.

The three of us were given different rooms one beside the other, overlooking a garden of fountains. The king’s prime minister paid us a brief visit to make sure that there was no problem in their hospitality.

“Welcome to Kalinga! We are honoured to have you here.” he said courteously, “I hope you had a safe and comfortable journey.”

Mahindra just nodded slightly, with the air of snobbish prince.

That’s the thing- when it comes to politics you cannot afford to falter on the ground of your emotions and have to act like nothing can affect you. Otherwise your fair play and honesty will most probably be mistaken for weakness, and people won’t hesitate to take advantage of you. The political world is sure full of power thirsty sharks.

“Very well then, I hope you have a good night’s rest. The king shall meet you tomorrow after brunch. If you happen to encounter any problem, you may call for me and I shall be present here immediately.”

He said before turning to leave. The moment he left, I rushed to my room and leapt onto the bed. I lay there for awhile, savouring its cushiony softness.

I dragged myself to the hot bath, cursing myself for jumping on the bed like that. I had dirtied it and there was no way I was going to sleep on it until the sheets were changed.

Note to self, practice more self control.



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