21: Jumping Windows Was The Easy Part

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My throat was dry and my heart hammered inside my ribcage. I was already hanging from the ledge of the window and since I was new to this Spiderman role play, I really didn’t know what to do next. I’d been dangling there like that for almost five minutes now, because after the initial adrenaline had worn off, I had panicked and hadn’t been able to find the will to jump through the window below, through which my legs were already hanging pretty conspicuously. It was pretty dark around so I was fortunate that no one outside the palace would spot me.
I could make out thorny rose bushes at the bottom and I was afraid that if I let go of the ledge, I would fall to my death on them. But that gruesome end was close, I suppose because my sweaty palms threatened to let go any moment now.
‘No Tara, you cannot give up.’ I told myself, ‘It’s just like rappelling….without a rope, but still the same concept. You can do this.’
I concentrated on my breathing to bring myself to calm down a little. Let me tell you this- the never say die spirit seems to work exceedingly for action heroes and heroines but I’m telling you from experience that impulsiveness only brings you a step closer to the unthinkable.
Suddenly, my right hand slipped and I quickly scrambled to grab hold of the ledge again before I fell. I swung my body to and fro slowly, to gain momentum. I knew it was worthless to over think my next action, seeing that it was crystal clear that it had to be done. And anyway, burglars who are cretins and unaware of the laws of physics do this all the time, right? So it can’t be that hard.
With one last sway of my body, I let go of the ledge and swung my legs in through the wide window. I landed on the floor safely enough but twisted my right ankle due to the uneven landing.
“Oww….” I bit my lower lip to cut off my cry of pain the last thing I needed right now, was for the guards to come rushing into the room when I was in absolutely no shape to run for my life. I nursed my injury as I fished my phone from my pocket. I called Neel and he picked up on the second ring. Concerned much?
“Where are you? You got out of that place right?” he started without any sort of greeting. Manner-less as ever, I see.
“I like how you have changed from my annoying nemesis to a caring friend in a matter of days. Who knew you were capable of being nice. I must tell you that you kindness and empathy has touched me immensely.” I mocked.
“Tara," he said sternly, “This is no time for mindless jokes. As a matter of fact I didn’t think someone as smart as you could be so dumb at times. Now fill me in on your location”
“Yes sir.” I mimicked a cadet-in-training.
“Tara…” Neel began.
“Ok, jokes apart. I managed to climb out of the window and jump into the chamber below it. Don’t even get me started on how I managed to do that.” I said, studying the room carefully for the first time since my arrival, “That means I’m on the second floor, but I’m pretty sure it’s in another wing of the palace; not the one we where our guest rooms were located. It’s huge and has all these paintings of the royal family and their ancestors. Other odd artifacts have also been arranged neatly all over the room. As a matter of fact, this place seems quite abandoned because there are no guards stationed outside the door. Maybe it’s a storeroom for outdated stuff because everything is laying here catching dust.”
“Right, thank you. I’m handing over the phone to Mahindra, since he’s our strategy expert. He’ll tell you what to do.” Neel replied.
“Uh…how am I supposed to start? Mahindra asked nervously.
“Dude, this isn’t a letter to have an introduction, body and conclusion. Just talk like she’s standing in front of you.” Neel said with a tinge of annoyance, somewhere in the background. I rolled my eyes. Trust Neel to be mean when a person’s better off without it.
“It’s all right Mahindra. You’re actually doing remarkably well for your first time on a phone. Just tell me the plan.” I said calmly.
“Err, thanks.” He said, “One of our spies in the palace will come to your location and drop a set of maid’s clothes. Disguise yourself in those clothes and make your way to the stables. We’ll meet you there. I’m very sorry that we cannot come to get you because that would raise too many suspicions and I think we’ve gotten into enough trouble for today.”
“Yeah, I understand.” I replied reassuringly.
“Till then stay where you are and do not panic. One last thing, when you’re disguised as one of the maids do not look anyone in the eye, act submissive and do not let anyone’s remarks wound your pride. If you lose your temper and blow away your cover, we’ll all be done for. Do you understand that?” Mahindra said slowly, like he was speaking to a ten year old child.
“I’m glad to know that you hold me in such high regard.” I replied sarcastically. Why on earth do people think I’m stupid enough to do something that will and me in trouble? Honestly, I found it very annoying.
“I didn’t mean to offend you, Tara. Think of it as a warning. We don’t get second chances in matters like this.” Mahindra said quickly, defending himself.
“Yeah, I get it. The stakes are very high. I’m not an idiot, for god’s sake!” I muttered under my breath, but loud enough for him to hear.
After the line went blank, I threw my hands in the air in frustration. I was tired of sitting and waiting like this, it was making my body rather stiff and I was afraid I’d die of boredom if I sat like a sloth for any longer. It’s not like I could dance and sing to while away the time either.
Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait for eternity like I’d half expected. A soft knock on the door alerted me of the spy’s arrival. I opened the door slightly and an ageing lady entered wordlessly. She handed me a pile of neatly folded clothes. She stood at the door, facing away, waiting for me to change. I looked at the clothes doubtfully. I didn’t know how to wear them properly and I was kind of scared to ask the lady for help.
“Umm….could you please help me with this?” I whispered slowly, after I ended up wrapping the long sari fabric around me in a very awkward manner.
The frail lady nodded. If she found me stupid for not being able to do such a simple task, her impassive expression didn’t betray anything. I wore it on my jeans but I had to let go of my t-shirt as there was no possible way to hide it. When I was done, she pulled the loose end over my head like a hood and thrust a platter into my hands.
I looked around the chamber one last time to see if I could grab something to use as a weapon. I frowned at the lack of anything sharp and portable. I was about to leave when something made me look back. A small rectangular object lay on a small ledge on a piece of black velvet. My breathing accelerated at the sight and I edged forward to check if it wasn’t just a trick of light. I almost leaped with joy when I realized that it was actually the clay tablet that all of us had been searching. I rushed towards it, stumbling slightly in my excitement. I grabbed the tablet and held it up high over my head like I had just won an Oscar.
On impulse, I went and hugged the spy lady tightly, and waved the tablet in front of her like a lunatic. She just looked at me, amusement dancing in her eyes but still didn’t utter a word. Ok, I guess she thinks I’m a certified lunatic. She gestured something to me but I failed to understand what she wanted to say. Then it dawned to me that she couldn’t speak. Oh my god! How insensitive could I be?! But I understood from her smile and crinkled eyes that she too was expressing her joy.
The lady regained her impassive expression quickly, motioning towards the door and I nodded in farewell. She nodded back and my mouth cracked into a faint smile. Without waiting for a smile in reply I headed out. She was a spy after all.

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