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As soon as we settled into the movie, the door bell rang.

"Pizza!" Yelled Dinah excitedly.

Lauren went with Dinah to the door to get it and they came back with 5 boxes of pizza.

We ate and continued watching the movie. About halfway through it, Camila scooted closer to me on the couch and rested her head on my shoulder.

I smiled and put my arm over her shoulders. She peeked up at me, smiled and cuddled closer.

At some point we both fell asleep because I woke up to whispers.

Someone, I think it was Dinah, said "They're so cute, I'm definitely posting a picture."

"No leave them alone!" Shawn whisper-yelled at her.

"Just one more." Dinah said before I heard her phone snap a picture.

I opened my eyes and asked, "What are you guys doing? "

"Just posting a Y/SN pic on Twitter." Dinah said all nonchalantly while typing on her phone.

Camila who had just woken up jumped off the couch and tried to grab Dinah's phone.

Lauren and Shawn were watching in amusement and laughing at their little squabble.

Dinah held her phone over her head, out of Camila's reach. While looking up at it, she finished typing and posted it.

"Done!" Dinah said happily.

"Ugh, what the fuck Dinah." Camila huffed in frustration. "Management is probably gonna bitch at me now."

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because they don't like when Camz's 'gay is on display'." Lauren answered using air quotes.

I laughed for a second before glancing over at a worried looking Camila.

Then Lauren said, "Come on, it's just starting to get dark out. Let's have a fire and make s'mores."

Shawn and Dinah ran outside, Lauren walked out behind them. I waited for Camila and when she was near me, I nudged her and asked, "Are you ok?"

She was on her phone so she turned it towards me.

@DinahJane: Ain't they da cutest? @camilacabello & @Y/TN #Y/SNisReal (photo)

I looked at the picture, it was kind of cute but it was clearly stressing Camila out. I looked back at her.

She said, "it's already got 12k likes and more than 3,400 retweets."

"We can ask Dinah to take it down." I suggested.

"It's too late." She said sighing and looking down.

Her phone started ringing and she quickly told me, "I'll meet you guys outside in a couple minutes, it's Roger."

I nodded and joined the others out on the patio. Shawn already had the fire going. Lauren was sitting near it packing a bowl in her bong. Dinah was looking in cabinets behind the outside bar.

I sat next to Lauren. She hit the bong before passing it to me. I took a pretty nice hit. Then I exhaled and relaxed more into the chair.

Dinah came over and sat next to me with 2 bottles and some of those little Red Solo shot cups. One of the bottles was Grey Goose and the other was Hennessy.

Before I could, Shawn asked Dinah, "What are you doing? There's no alcohol in s'mores."

Lauren started cracking up, laughing before she said "I don't have marshmallows or graham crackers."

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