Chapter 3

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Sasuke woke up in pain the next morning. He sat up in his bed and groaned. He rubbed at his eye and hissed at the pain it caused. Throwing the blankets off of his body, he walked briskly into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror.

    “Son of a-” He cursed at the big, dark, black and purple colored bruise that was on his left eye. He gently prodded the bruise and once again hissed at the pain it caused him. He sighed before looking himself over in the mirror once more and then shaking his head.

    He walked back into his room and got ready for the school day. Once dressed, with his hair brushed, he made one more stop to the bathroom, hoping maybe the bruise was just his imagination. He scowled at himself as the bruise was still there. “At least its not swollen.” He mumbled to himself as he stomped his way down the stairs.

    On the kitchen table was a plate of toast, eggs and bacon, waiting for him at his seat. His brother had his own plate, phone in one hand with the fork in the other. He didn't look up as Sasuke sat down across from him.

    “Morning.” Sasuke greeted him but received no answer back. He sighed and slammed his elbow onto the table, trying to get a reaction out of Itachi.

    Itachi paid him no mind, continuing to scroll through his phone, eyes narrowed in concentration.

    Sasuke gave his brother a frown before lifting his fork full of eggs to his mouth.

    “Ready to go?” Itachi quickly stood up, dropping his fork onto his plate.

    Sasuke nearly dropped his fork but then gave his brother a look of disbelief. “I just sat down! I only had one bite!”

    “Well hurry up, I can't be late.” Itachi placed his plate in the sink and left the kitchen, not saying anything else.

    Sasuke watched him leave before shaking his head and quickly finishing his breakfast.

    The car ride to school was silent and Sasuke felt upset that Itachi made no attempt to ask about the bruise.

    “Bye Itachi.” Sasuke stayed seated in the car as he waited for Itachi to say something.

    He watched as Itachi continued to type on his phone. Itachi then looked up and raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you going to go in or do I have to kick you out?”

    Sasuke rolled his eyes. “Whatever.” He slammed the car door shut and walked towards the building.

    He kept his head down as best as he could, hoping his bangs would hide the bruise on his face. A small group of girls quickly stopped him, a few feet away from his friends. He cursed under his breath and turned his head to the left.

    “Hey Sasuke, how's it going?” One of the girls spoke up. She seemed nervous and the other two girls each gently nudged her in the side. “Stop it!” She hissed as they giggled. She turned back to him. “I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to grab dinner and a movie with me sometime?”

    Sasuke turned his head a little, trying to look at her without revealing his face. “Look, I actually don't-”

    “The answer is no, bitch.” Sasuke groaned as Sakura came up next to him, linking her arm through his. “He has me, he doesn't need you.”

    The girl and her friends narrowed their eyes at her. “Get over yourself, Sakura. Nobody wants you. Especially not Sasuke. He's better than that.”

    Sakura returned the glare. “Listen, what's your name again? Stacy?”

    “Lacy.” Came the sharp reply.

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