Chapter 8

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Naruto woke up in his bed, a stinging pain in his wrist. He sighed in disappointment before slowly sitting up in his bed.

Staring at his wrist, he ran a hand through his hair and felt himself get upset. "I should be there for her." He mumbled to himself.

He felt angry and frustrated, not being able to do anything. He clenched his fists, itching for a fight to let out his aggression. Finally getting the motivation to get up, he decided later he would head to his old neighborhood to look for a fight there.

He got dressed and ready and headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and Kakashi set a plate of eggs in front of him before sitting down in his own seat.

"How are you settling in so far?" Iruka asked, a smile on his face.

Naruto stayed silent, instead taking a bite of his food.

Kakashi and Iruka gave each other a look, frowning at the lack of response. "Are you adjusting to the school well? No troubles?"

He took another bite before slowly shaking his head, indicating a no. He gently pushed his plate away. "I'm not feeling really hungry."

"Okay, no problem." Iruka quickly picked up the plate, walking it to the sink. "We're just gonna finish up here and then we'll be ready to go."

Naruto nodded before leaving the kitchen to grab his book bag.

The three of them drove to the high school, the ride filled with silence. Kakakshi and Iruka dropped Naruto off into the front before driving away to the parking lot.

"Naruto!" The blonde looked up to see Kiba waving at him, just having stepped off the bus. He smiled before catching up to Kiba.

"Hey, what's up?" Naruto asked as soon as he caught up with him.

"I didn't finish my math homework." Kiba groaned as they walked into the building. He looked expectantly at Naruto, eyes wide. "Can I copy yours?"

Naruto laughed. "I didn't even do it myself."

Kiba stared at him in disbelief. "What do I even keep you around for?" He shook his head.

They reached their home room where they met up with Neji and Sasuke.The two sat down in their desks in front of the brunettes and turned so they were facing them.

"Sup guys?" Kiba greeted with a toothy grin.

Sasuke nodded in return and Neji gave a quick wave. "You did your homework?"

"Nope." He turned to look at Sasuke. "You gonna help me out?"

He raised an eyebrow before rolling his eyes. "Seriously, it's getting old." He took out his papers and handed them to Kiba.

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he watched Sasuke. "How can you be wearing a long sleeve shirt? It's so hot."

Sasuke quickly crossed his arms across his chest and shrugged. "I don't feel it."

Kiba waved him off. "He's just trying to hide as much skin from Sakura as possible." Neji and Kiba both snickered.

Naruto tilted his head to the side. "Why? She seems like a nice girl."

Sasuke gave him a crazed look while Neji and Kiba both started to laugh. "Are we talking about the same girl?"

Naruto stared at the three of them. "The pink-haired one, right?"

"You talking about me?"

The four of them looked up and behind Kiba and Naruto to see Sakura glaring at them with her hands on her hips.

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