Chapter 5

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Sasuke woke the next morning, anticipating some of type of pain but felt none. He sat up in his bed and carefully felt his body. When he felt no pain, he smiled. He got ready for the school day and headed down the stairs to see Itachi sitting at the table.

“Guess what?” Sasuke asked, grabbing a bowl from the cabinet and then a box of cereal.

“Hm?” Itachi absentmindedly replied.

“Woke up with no bruises.” Sasuke smiled triumphantly as he sat down with his bowl of cereal. “Today’s going to be a great day.”

“Sounds great.”

Sasuke frowned at Itachi’s phone. “Then me, Kiba and Neji plan on robbing a bank and using the money to buy drugs and prostitutes.”

“Good, good.” Itachi narrowed his eyes in focus at his phone.

Sasuke scoffed. “Whatever.” He angrily began to eat his cereal.

After sometime, Itachi looked up from his phone and at his little brother. “You ready?”


“Let’s go.” Itachi stood up and headed out the door, Sasuke following suit.

Once Sasuke was dropped off at school, he headed straight to his homeroom class where Kiba and Neji were sitting at their desks.

“So, guess who's not in any pain today?” Sasuke sat down in his seat with a smirk.

“No shit! For real?” Kiba asked surprised.

Neji rolled his eyes. “It's not like its never happened before.”

Sasuke gave Neji a playful glare. “Can't you just be happy for me for once?”

Neji pretended to be thinking about his answer. “No.”

“Sasuke Uchiha?” The homeroom teacher called out.

Sasuke looked up and gave the teacher his attention.

“The principal would like to see you.”

The room ‘oohed’ and Sasuke stood up with a roll of his eyes, grabbing his book bag from underneath the desk.

“He's innocent!” Sakura screeched, standing up from her seat. “I demand his freedom!”

“Shut up and sit down!” Kiba yelled at her.

“Inuzuka! Language! And Miss Haruno, please sit down.” The teacher reprimanded.

Sasuke left the room and walked down the hallway, making his way to the principal's. The warning bell rung and students were quickly scurrying through the halls trying to get to their classes. He let out a sigh when the bell rung again and the halls were empty.

He finally made it to the principal’s office. He opened the door to see Shizune, principal Tsunade’s secretary. She gave him a bright smile.

“Good morning, Sasuke. Have a seat, Tsunade will be with you in just a moment.

Sasuke nodded and did as he was told and not long after Tsunade came out of her office.

“Follow me, Uchiha.” She waved him over and Sasuke got up.

He sat in a seat in front of her desk. “So what's up?” He asked, watching her sit down in front of him. He wasn't normally a student that caused trouble but being friends with Kiba, he became acquainted with the principal soon enough.

“We're getting a new student tomorrow and I want you to show them around.”

Sasuke groaned and threw his head back. “Why can't you get Neji to do it?”

“Neji can be a little,” she paused, trying to find the right words, her honey-colored eyes searching the air. “Intense.”

Sasuke scoffed. “Okay, but why me? There's so many other kids in the school who can do it.”

Tsunade nodded her head. “That's true. But you're schedule is almost exactly the same as his, it'll be easier for him.”

Sasuke perked up. A guy? That was better news, happy that he wouldn't have to have some girl fawning over him. He thought it over before nodding. “Alright, I'll do it.”

Tsunade smiled at him, a mischievous look in her eye. “Not like you had much of a choice anyways.” She waved him off as he glared at her. “Now get back to class.”

He nodded once before picking up his bag and heading out the door.

The bell letting out homeroom rang and soon the halls were filled with students trying to get to their first period class.

Sasuke headed to his history class. When he walked into the room, he was surprised to see a different teacher instead of an empty desk. He gave a shrug of his shoulders and sat down in his usual seat.

“So what was that about?” Neji asked from behind him.

“Showing a new kid around the school.” Sasuke said with a shrug.

“Speaking of new kids,” Sakura came over, sitting on top of Sasuke's desk. Both Neji and Sasuke rolled their eyes. “I heard Kakashi-sensei is out because him and Iruka are taking in a foster kid.”

“So?” Neji questioned, not caring about the information.

“That's probably who you'll be showing around.” Sakura directed her answer to Sasuke.

“Whatever. As long as it's not some clingy girl those are the worst.” Sasuke smirked at her. Neji snickered behind him.

Sakura snorted and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “I know, they are.” She stood up and gave them both a smile. “Anyways, I'll see you around, Sasuke.” She gave him a wink before sauntering off to her desk.

“She doesn't even get the hint.” Sasuke said with a shake of his head.

“And she never will.” Neji patted his shoulder in pity.

Sasuke walked off the bus and headed home. He noticed Itachi’s car wasn't in the driveway.

He made his way up the stairs and into his mother’s room.

“Hey mom.” He greeted her, sitting on the chair next to her bed. “Nothing really special happened today. Except for two things. I woke up with no bruises today, a first in a long time!” He watched her carefully but didn't see any reaction that she was listening. He sighed.

“Also, I'll be showing a new kid around the school tomorrow. I'm just happy it's not some girl who's going to cling on to me and follow me everywhere.” He let out another sigh and sat back in his seat. “Yeah, it was a good day.”

There was a knock on the door and Sasuke turned to see Itachi standing in the doorway. “Wanna order a pizza?” He waved his cell phone in his hand.

Sasuke gave him a smirk. “Sure.” He got up and followed his brother to the kitchen where they decided on what pizza to get.

Once dinner was finished and Sasuke completed all his homework, he lied on his bed and for once in a very long time, he didn't feel like cutting

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