Chapter 7

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Sasuke woke up the next morning and was filled with relief when he once again woke up with no pain. He took his time waking up and getting ready.

By the time he was finished, he walked down the stairs only to find an empty kitchen. He frowned as he looked for his brother but couldn't find him. He walked back to his room and texted his brother.

A minute after he sent the text, a phone call came through. "Hello?" He answered quickly.

"Sasuke," Itachi replied. "I forgot to let you know, I wouldn't be able to take you to school today. I had an important business meeting to attend to this morning."

Sasuke let out an impatient sigh. "Okay."

"I'm really sorry."

Sasuke could feel himself getting annoyed and he scowled at his bedroom floor. "Yeah, whatever." He hung up the phone before getting up and beginning the walk to school.

Twenty minutes into his walk, he heard a car horn behind him. He stopped and looked over his shoulder to see Naruto waving at him from the back window of a car. "Need a ride?"

Sasuke blinked before giving him a smirk and walking over to the car. "Thanks."

"No problem, Sasuke!" Kakashi smiled at him through the rearview mirror.

Iruka turned around in his seat and smiled at the raven. "How's everything going? He was good yesterday right?"

Sasuke nodded. "Good. And yeah, no trouble."

"Hey! I'm right here you know." Naruto grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

The car ride was filled with minor chit chat until they reached the school.

"We'll drop you boys off here so we don't embarrass you." Iruka said as Kakashi pulled over to the side of the road.

"Nonsense! If anything, they'll embarrass us!" Kakashi began to laugh. Iruka shook his head while Naruto and Sasuke gave each other looks.

"Alright, see you guys later!" Naruto closed the car door and watched them drive away. "Damn, talk about embarrassing." He sheepishly laughed, rubbing the back of his hand.

"Hey," Sasuke grabbed his arm, pulling it closer to himself. "That's a pretty cool wristband."

Naruto quickly took back his arm, nervously twisting it around his wrist. "Uh, thanks."

"Everything okay?" Sasuke asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, of course! Come on, let's get to class!" Naruto quickly dragged Sasuke away and into the school building.

"Naruto!" Kiba called out once the pair walked into their homeroom class.

"Kiba!" The two gave each other a fist bump and Neji rolled his eyes as Sasuke sat down.

"What did we start, hm?" Neji asked, going back to some of his last minute homework.

"Hn." Sasuke replied, too busy staring at Naruto. He looked at the wristband on his wrist.

"Right Sasuke?" Kiba directed a question to the raven and Sasuke shook his head to give his attention to Naruto and Kiba who were looking expectantly at him.


Neji snorted. "You seem out of it."

Sasuke glanced at Neji before looking back. "What was your question?"

Kiba stared at the raven. "I was saying, it's a relief that Sakura has those meetings this week."

"Uh, sure. I don't really care." Sasuke replied as he turned in his seat to face forward.

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