Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Naruto woke up to the sound of his alarm, looking wildly around the room. He took in a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. "Shit, it wasn't a dream." He let out a laugh before standing up and began to get ready for the day.

When he was finished, he walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where he saw Kakashi making breakfast and Iruka setting the table. Iruka looked up and smiled brightly at him.

"How was your first night? Did you sleep well? Here, have a seat!" He pulled out a chair and gestured for him to sit down.

"Yeah, it was great." Naruto gave him a small smile. "Thank you again. I really appreciate this."

Iruka placed a hand over his heart and smiled down at him. "Oh there's no need to thank us!"

"Breakfast is ready!" Kakashi announced, holding up the pan of eggs.

"Kakashi, love, let's be careful with a hot pan of food and just keep it on a level surface." Iruka slowly walked closer to him before grabbing his wrist and gently lowering it so that the pan was back on the burner.

Naruto snickered and Kakashi looked back at him with a wink.

Iruka got the plates ready and set them on the table. The three of them enjoyed a quick breakfast.

"You have everything ready?" Iruka asked as he took Naruto's empty plate and palced it in the sink.

"Yeah, I didn't have much stuff to begin with." Naruto stood up with a shrug, slinging his book bag over his shoulder.

Iruka clapped his hands together. "Over the weekend, we'll all go shopping so you can get better school supplies and new clothes, if you want to of course."

"Maa, Iruka!" Kakashi whined. "Do we all have to go shopping?"

Iruka glared down at Kakashi who was leaning backwards in his chair. "Yes. All of us."

Kakashi put his hands up in surrender before sitting up in his chair and then standing. "Alright, alright." He turned to face Naruto. "Ready to go, kiddo?"

Naruto nodded and followed the couple out of the house and to their car. He climbed into the backseat and buckled up.

"Now, we'll drop you off at the principal's office and there you'll meet your student escort for the day." Iruka stated as he turned to face him from the passenger's seat.

"His name is Sasuke." Kakashi looked into the rearview mirror to look at Naruto. "He's a good kid, quiet and a little bit of a loner."

Naruto groaned. "He's not some kind of a weirdo, is he?"

The two men laughed. Iruka shook his head. "No, he just likes to keep to himself and his two best friends."

Naruto gave him a skeptical look before shrugging. "Guess there's not much I can do about it anyways."

"That's the spirit!"Kakashi said excitedly.

When they arrived at the school, busses were just beginning to drop off students. As the three of them walked through the hallways, students would stop and stare at them.

Naruto felt himself get self-conscious from the stares of the other students. He kept his gaze to the ground as he followed Iruka and Kakashi to what he assumed was the principal's office.

"Here we are!" Iruka said with a smile as he stopped in front of a door.

Naruto stared at it, not moving.

"What's wrong?" Iruka asked worriedly. "Everything okay?"

Naruto nodded. He shook his head and smiled up at him. "Just a little nervous is all. Thanks for showing me the way. See you later!"

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