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Hey guys, so if you couldn't already guess, this is the last chapter of Cuts & Bruises. I hope you all really enjoyed the story and I'm so glad you guys stuck around to see it through to the end. I was thinking of eventually doing a second book for this, but I would like to know if you guys would want more or not, let me know what you think.

Again, thank you so much for sticking through this story with me, the love and support means so much to me.


"We still have a few minutes before second period starts," Naruto began once the intimate kiss was over. "Do you want to talk a bit?"

Sasuke understood the moment Naruto glanced at his arm. He nodded before heading to the bleacher's making his way to the top.

Naruto followed closely behind him, shoving his hands casually into his jean pockets. "So where should we start?" He looked at the raven who sat in the row above him.

"The bruises," Sasuje quickly spoke up, not wanting to beat around the bush. "They've been happening for as long as I can remember. What's happening?"

Naruto let out a sigh. "Well, as you know, my dad was abusive and then when I went into the foster system, a lot of the homes I was at were abusive too.

But then I was placed in a group home where I was just constantly after getting beaten up or starting fights to let out frustration." He let out a sigh before giving Sasuke a nervous smile. "What about your cuts?"

Sasuke rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I started that once my mom's health began to go downhill." He shook his head. "I don't remember exactly why I went to that but it eventually became a distraction from how alone I felt."

The boys were silent before Naruto stood up. Sasuke raised an eyebrow in question but was then surprised when the blonde leaned down and wrapped his arms around his neck. Sasuke slowly embraced back, encircling Naruto's waist.

"And now you don't have to feel alone, you got me." Naruto lowered himself onto the raven's lap, staring at him with half-lidded eyes. He closed the distance between them, pressing their lips together. Just as Sasuke began to kiss back, Naruto slowly pulled away, causing the raven's eyebrows to furrow. Naruto rested his forehead against the raven's and gave him a smile. "And I'm not going to let you feel alone, so sorry to say, you're stuck with me." His grin grew wider.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I don't think I'd want it any other way."

Naruto reluctantly stood up and held out his hand for the raven. "Come on, let's go back before the bell rings . I just know Kiba's gonna be bothering us about where we've been."

Sasuke grabbed onto the blonde's hand and pulled himself up. "Yeah. Sounds like Kiba. Let's go." He gasped Naruto's hand tighter and led them down the bleachers and back to the school building.

The two walked through the halls, hand in hand. Many people stopped to stare at the couple who were both confident, Sasuke smirking while Naruto sported a large, toothy grin.

They reached their next class where Kiba and Neji were already sitting in their usual seats.

"Hey!" Kiba shouted once he spotted them. "Where were you guys?! I didn't do the math h-," he stopped midsentence as they stood in front of them. He stared at their interlocking hands. "Why are you guys holding hands?"

Neji rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. "Are you really this dense, Kiba?"

Kiba threw him a glare. He looked back at Naruto and Sasuke who were also giving him looks of disbelief. "Did you guys also get in a fight? You both have black eyes too."

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