How They Kiss You (Losers Club)

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Last update for a couple days, gonna make an Authors note explaining why :)

He'll be super shy at first. Slowly he'll be sweet when kissing you. Except when you're alone... That's another story. You'll have marks for days.

Neither of you can really kiss in public, and if it's at one of your houses you'd have to be so careful. You hardly ever go to her house because her dad scares you. But when you're away from everyone you'll kiss so passionatly it's like the last kiss she'll ever give you.

He will always kiss you so rough.. but you like it that way. The only times it'll be soft and sweet is when it's just a quick peck goodbye.

This little boy just loves having his lips on yours. During the first couple weeks of your relationship kissing was awkward for him. But you told him how much you loved him and hated how he never really kissed you, and he gained such confidence from that, he'd always kiss you so passionately to show he loves you too.

It depended on the situation. If he were in a cuddle mood it would be sweet and soft, if you were alone and in a "frisky" mood it would be rough and passionate, but if he goy jealous of someone and his defensive side came out it would be rough and sloppy.

Mike always wanted you to feel protected and loved around him so he'd grab your face in his hands, stare into your eyes, and kiss you gently soon evolving into something more passionate. But you also loved all the quick pecks goodbye, and all the makeouts.

You were a queen to him. But he also felt you were a queen to everyone. He feels like he can easily lose you so he tried kissing you super passionately in the beginning of the relationship. But he was trying too hard so they felt off. You appreciated this but.. you had to tell him. He got embarassed and fixed himself up. Soon the turned into more lovely kisses.

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